2004-01-20 SvsG Emails

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2004 Messages

2004 Overview

Staddon vs. Griever: SvsG Messages: 2004

10:02 from Kanoodle

Nick Notes

This was just a bit odd, as Bubba has to have known by this time that I was receiving all email sent to b-2024-12-22-10:29-spam@vbzspam.net, so I can only think that he *meant* for me to see that he had subscribed to Kanoodle. I logged in and checked to see how he paid for it, and the last 4 digits of the credit card used matched one of my check cards, so I deleted it. I also corrected the mailing address and email to reflect his address and email, since he had opened the account, and cancelled the check card in question.


From: clientservices-2024-12-22-10:29-spam@corp.kanoodlespam.com
To: b-2024-12-22-10:29-spam@vbzspam.net
Subject: Welcome to Kanoodle.com!
Organization: Kanoodle.com
Message-ID: <MAILcW0drTgwymWZRdm0000636aspam@spammail.corp.kanoodlespam.spamcom>
Date: 20 Jan 2004 10:02:42 -0500

Dear Bahb,

Thank you for choosing to use Kanoodle.com to advertise your business! You will need to login to your account and add your Keywords, Title and Description to get started.

Your account number is: 26651909
Your username is: bhaaji
Your password is: [password removed]

(Remember, These are CASE SENSITIVE.)

Click Here to Start Your Ad Campaign:


Need Some Help?

Our FoKus program will analyze your site and create your keywords, title and description absolutely free!

Click Here to Have Kanoodle Start Your Campaign with our FoKus Program:


It's that easy and it is totally free!

If we can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us at clientservices@corp.kanoodle.com. We'll be glad to help!


The Kanoodle.com Team