Door phobia

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Does anyone else have this phobia? the fear of opening a closed door? if so and you have any information on it please share!

Woozle comments

I don't think I've experienced that – at least not under normal circumstances – but it makes me think of, say, being alone in a house (especially a large house) and having this dread fear that someone has managed to sneak in and is hiding behind the next random door I might happen to open... I think I've had that experience, but I don't know if that's the kind of fear you're talking about.

Harena says she's often afraid to open the front door when someone rings the doorbell...

So... are there any particular conditions which make it scary, or is it just any closed door? Does it matter if the door has glass in it (which might or might not be low enough to let you see what's behind it)? Size or type of the room behind the door?

(I've created a door phobia page at HTYP and linked it from the introspective psychology page, in case anyone looks there.)

--Woozle 21:20, 14 January 2007 (EST)


Um, it's limited to solid doors... but other than that it doesnt seem to have any particular conditions... it seems to be rooted in the fear that something behind the door could be bad in some way... or that someone may not want me to open the door.

it is a bit frustrating while trying to lead a normal life.