Liquid Blue

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Revision as of 14:42, 3 June 2005 by Woozle (talk | contribs)
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Liquid Blue is a company located in Lincoln, RI. The focus of their business is licensed screenprinted t-shirts, with an emphasis on colorful additive tie-dyes, but they also print a variety of other apparel (jackets, jerseys, caps) and accessories (keychains, stickers, incense, bean bears).

The majority of their designs are related to popular rock musicians -- starting with The Grateful Dead, whose designs they have been printing for at least as long as has been doing business with them (1998). In subsequent years they substantially expanded those offerings to include Elvis Presley, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, and others.

They also carry a large selection of nature, fantasy (especially dark fantasy, which The Mountain tends to shy away from), biker shirts (starting with Iron Cannibal a few years ago and adding West Coast Choppers more recently), and a few other categories.



  • Image Policy --Woozle 09:42, 3 Jun 2005 (CDT):

Since LB stopped providing images on CD, I have been downloading images from their web site -- which has worked well, as they always provide a "large" version of about 500 pixels square (which matches our "large" size nicely). However, just today I noticed a new policy posted in their wholesale section which states, in part, that they don't want retailers to do this anymore. (That's bad.) They will, however, provide access to their "secure online image archive" for web or printing use. (That's good - an improvement.) They do specify, however, that retailers who wish to use these images must not alter or manipulate them in any way, including scaling. (That's a problem. I'm still in the process of finding out what the deal is, though, so maybe it's not as much of a problem as it sounds like.)