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< User:Woozle
Revision as of 02:00, 30 June 2005 by Woozle (talk | contribs)
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  • 21:00, 29 Jun 2005 (CDT): Today... uh, yeah, today I, uh, did stuff. I think. Well, ok, I shipped some in-stock orders. A couple more to go out to Italy tomorrow. Also rebuilt web pages. Also, a slight redesign idea for the store -- as it is now, when you click on a link to the supplier's web page, it takes you first to a pop-up which warns you you're about to leave the vbz site. I'm thinking that maybe it should go instead to the supplier's page on the wiki. This means creating a page for each supplier, but that's not a big deal. The only minor question then is whether this provides enough warning that you're about to leave the site. I'm thinking it does, but we'll see.
Right now, taking a break and transcribing some 45s. Should I compulsively scan the labels and upload them to the wiki? Sure, why not.
Oh, and I had a semi-brilliant idea for reducing the mess next to me on the couch -- it's what I'll call "half-filing". Instead of trying to put every scrap of paper where it ultimately belongs (which has proven to take too much time for me to keep up with it), I put related groups of things together in hanging folders in my portable file box. This should reduce the amount of time needed to sort through them later, I hope. In the meantime, I can actually find things which I know are in my "current pile", which has to be a good thing.