2009-07-25 webmail to GameHouse
Purchased Luxor 3, received email confirming purchase, but registration instructions do not work. The instructions say:
Step 2: Launch your game and enter your User Name and Password on the REGISTER tab before you play.
User Name: gamehouse2024@hypertwins.org
Password:: *****
There is no "Register" tab, but there is a "Register Game" tab; on that tab, there is "License Name" and "License Code". I entered gamehouse2024@hypertwins.org for "License name" and my password for "License code", but it said the license code is not the correct length -- so I don't think it wants my password. (Another clue is that it doesn't hide the license code with asterisks.)
According to instructions on your site, there should be license codes in my purchase history. I see Luxor 3 listed, with a link to re-download it, but no license code.
So... how do I get this thing running?