Talk:SvsG Proposed Ground Rules

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The following was originally posted on the same page with the proposed ground rules, but at the present time it seems likely that we will be working out the ground rules face-to-face (if they are to be used at all) with a mediator present, so spelling out meta-rules seems unnecessary. I'll keep them here, though, in case they are useful later. -- 16:01, 28 Oct 2005 (EDT)

Negotiation About Ground Rules

Plaintiff agrees to the following rules and terminology, in the hopes of arriving at a set of Ground Rules which are agreeable to both parties:

  • Defendants may request or demand changes.
  • For each change requested or demanded by Defendants, Plaintiff will consider three possibilities:
    1. making the change exactly as stated, knowing that the Defendants would then have no cause for further grievance on the issue raised;
    2. making a counter-proposal (request), knowing that this risks further disagreements over the issue raised, taking time and effort from both parties and possibly resulting in failure to agree
    3. denying the request, knowing that:
      • If the change was a request, the Defendants may be unwilling to consider agreeing to the ground rules resulting from said denial
      • If the change was a demand, then Plaintiffs' denial of the request essentially brings all further negotiation to an end.
  • If it so happens that neither party has any requests or demands for changes, then the Ground Rules will be taken as accepted by both parties.

Negotiation on the Case at Hand

(actual proposed rules go here)

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