Talk:Obsolete/spam blacklist

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This is a list of domain names which are considered spam.

Formerly, this was just an addendum to the list at, but I have since found that most of the spam we get does not seem to be blocked by their list (i.e. removing their list from the list of blacklists did not increase the amount of spam).

Moreover, including their list tends to make the overall blacklist too long (a redesign of the SpamBlacklist extension should fix this eventually), and the blacklist plugin starts causing PHP to log errors and the filter seems to start letting everything through.

So I've stopped using other blacklists, and now depend solely on this one.

Syntax is as follows:

  • Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment
  • Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs

Entries are now grouped by date, so older entries can be moved to the archive when the list becomes too long.


If you use this blacklist for preventing spam on your web site, please let me know. As long as I'm the only one using it, I'll feel free to make somewhat arbitrary decisions (like temporarily banning all .info domains until whoever it is that is registering 2 new ones per day and featuring them in that night's spam finally gets a life) – but if I know others are using it, I'll be more cautious and/or get in touch to discuss this sort of thing before doing it. --Woozle 07:55, 6 January 2007 (EST)

Can adjusters reply to a correspondence from a lawyer?

Once adjusters get that package thing from an attorney with information, photographs and also other records and etc. For how long does it usually state in the letter to reply? Do adjusters really respond by or on the date? How can they respond by phone, e-mail, letter or fax?

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