Anna Nikola
This is the official, boring Anna Nikola Tesla Staddon page, callously imposed upon her for consumption by doting relatives and such.
In Brief
- Birthday: 1994-11-25
- all things Anna, later to be supplemented with a more guided tour. Maybe.
- Anna Nikola is also known as HypertWiki user Zeldrea, but there isn't much on that page (yet? well, it's been a few years...).
- And yes, Anna is in fact Woozle's offspring, though generally neither of them want to admit it in public. <insert shifty eyes>
- Anna @ Facebook
- Anna & Keeko's Photobucket page
- 2005-06-24 North Georgia Waterfall video with a cast of Anna, Keeko, Brenna, Alvaro (Dodo), Juan-Juan, Tigerlilly, and Possibly Others!
- 2002~ An Unauthorized Glossary of my Goddaughter's Vocabulary by Ann Veronica Simon (aka Tigger): some early Annacdotes - recommended
- Anna stays with the Villaveces family a lot after school; they are like a second family in some ways
- 2009-10: I am moving on to Cedar Shoals. Because I'm a big kid now. uhh....high-school---yes! finally...--Anna
- 2008-9: Anna is moving on to a pretty decent-sounding public school, I can't remember the name at the moment --Woozle 22:02, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
- I got into Hilsman Middle School and it's more fabulous than not fabulous! And right now I am writing a debate speech! Yes, school is good! --Anna
- 2002-8: Anna attended St. Joseph's Catholic School in Athens, GA. (Not my idea. -W.)
- Before that, she went to Athens Montessori School and Waseca.
On-site pictures of Anna can be found on Anna's category page.
Some Pictures from off-site are below.
see also #links, above
- Facebook: photo series of Anna taken with her new camera, ~2008-10-17
- Annabanna in the Banana Herald (well, okay, only in the user-contributed photos section of their web site):
Anna and Livia at the Human Rights Festival, May 2004