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(moved 2011 stuff to subpage; creating subpage for 2012 too)
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==Current Reading==
* [[/categorized]]
* [[/2010]]
* http://lesswrong.com/lw/rh/heading_toward_morality/
* [[/2011]]
** http://lesswrong.com/lw/of/dissolving_the_question/
* [[/2012]]
*** http://lesswrong.com/lw/gr/the_modesty_argument/
* http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Metaethics_sequence
** http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/User:Woozle/metapolitics
** http://lesswrong.com/lw/rh/heading_toward_morality/
===Sage & Swift===
* http://htyp.org/Secure_Sockets_Layer
** http://www.mkssoftware.com/docs/man1/openssl_verify.1.asp
* http://issuepedia.org/Talk:Victimless_crime
* add to my comments links:
** http://entequilaesverdad.blogspot.com/2010/11/shoes-on-other-feet-and-so-forth.html
** http://entequilaesverdad.blogspot.com/2010/11/why-i-wont-own-kindle.html
* [http://www.mefeedia.com/watch/31969350 Lawrence Lessig speaks at Campbell Law School: Presented by Common Cause N.C.]
** [http://www.mefeedia.com/watch/31734442 Of/By/4]: same speech, with introduction; audio + slide show
* [http://www.cracked.com/article_18747_5-absurd-but-mind-blowing-pop-culture-conspiracy-theories.html 5 Absurd (But Mind Blowing) Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories]: some ''irrelevant'' 9/11 connections, just to be thorough; also claims that Alex Jones is anti-semitic (and the source of all 9/11 truthism...)
** [http://www.cracked.com/article_15974_7-insane-conspiracies-that-actually-happened.html 7 Insane Conspiracies That Actually Happened]
====Progressive Conservatism====
* http://issuepedia.org/Teen_pregnancy
* http://issuepedia.org/The_Big_Stick/Mike#abortion
* http://issuepedia.org/En_Tequila_Es_Verdad/progressive_conservatism
** http://issuepedia.org/En_Tequila_Es_Verdad/progressive_conservatism/post#Round_Two
*** http://entequilaesverdad.blogspot.com/2009/04/woozle-and-mike-debate-thread.html?showComment=1243179822579#c1839428087874968973
* http://jalopnik.com/5690109/you-touch-my-junk-and-ill-have-you-arrested
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwsdq69AHnw -- Ron Paul to the rescue, possibly?
* http://weinterrupt.com/2010/12/world-much-stupider-than-returning-soldier-remembered-tsa/
* http://www.prwatch.org/node/9621
* http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/11/adam-savage-tsa-saw-my-junk-missed-12-razor-blades.ars
* http://www.pennandteller.com/03/coolstuff/penniphile/roadpennfederalvip.html
* http://kdsorceress.livejournal.com/553070.html?view=5782126 - much discussion
* http://pncminnesota.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/rape-survivor-devasted-by-tsa-enhanced-pat-down/
* http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/11/security-theater-cont-choose-your-line/66721/
* http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/11/national-opt-out-day/66485
* http://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2010/11/dear-wikileaks-leak-bank-records-now-or.html
* http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2010/12/pro-wikileaks-group-may-attack-us-senate-website-next/67808/
===music promotion===
* [[wikipedia:Rate Your Music|Rate Your Music]]
* http://musicmanager.last.fm/statistics/artist?artist=27191895
* '''2011-05-02''' [http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_miljo/energi/article3166552.ece Ny Teknik tested the energy catalyzer]
** '''2011-05-19''' [http://www.naturalnews.com/032455_cold_fusion_E-Cat.html E-Cat Cold fusion device independently validated producing 800% more energy than input]
* '''2011-05-21''' [http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/05/german-police-seize-pirate-party-servers-looking-at-anons-toolkit.ars German police seize Pirate Party servers, looking at Anon's toolkit]: apparently this was 2 days before an election -- clear example of how seizure authority can be abused
* '''2011-05-21''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/22/business/22novel.html The Answer Is (Artificially) Blowing in the Wind]: more about artificial leaves
* http://www.bdsmovement.net/activecamps/consumer-boycott
* '''2011-05-20''' [http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2011/0520/Inspired-by-Arab-Spring-Spain-s-youthful-15-M-movement-spreads-in-Europe Inspired by Arab Spring, Spain's youthful 15-M movement spreads in Europe]
* [http://www.griffonpoint.com/html/microchips/scientific.data.microchips.htm Scientific Data regarding Microchip Problems in Small Animals]
* [http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/everyday.html Everyday GIT With 20 Commands Or So]
* [http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/browser/trunk/docs/about.rst Tahoe-LAFS]: distributed system for serving web pages
* http://portal.friendika.com/download
* '''2011-05-22''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/23/science/earth/23adaptation.html?_r=1 A City Prepares for a Warm Long-Term Forecast]
** '''2011-05-11''' [http://torrentfreak.com/u-s-to-introduce-draconian-anti-piracy-censorship-bill-110511/ U.S. To Introduce Draconian Anti-Piracy Censorship Bill]
* http://www.propublica.org/documents/item/april-2011-letter-to-john-holdren
* http://www.haaretz.com/news/government-backs-bill-to-allot-state-land-for-jewish-use-only-1.40341
* http://www.haaretz.com/news/arab-family-finally-to-get-an-ila-offer-for-a-katzir-plot-1.101647
* http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/opinion/no-entry-for-arabs-1.261360
* https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
* http://democraciarealya.es/?page_id=814
* '''2011-05-18''' [http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/a-new-wall-street-investigation-is-the-hammer-finally-coming-down-20110518 A New Wall Street Investigation: Is the Hammer Finally Coming Down?]
* '''2011-05-20''' [http://www.prochoicenc.org/news/headlines/201105201.shtml Abortion a tough decision, N.C. lawmakers should stay out of it]
* http://www.chipin.com/ -- add to list of crowdfunding sites
* '''2011-05-18''' [http://www.adbusters.org/magazine/94/activist-energy-europe.html Signs of Revolutionary Spring in Europe]
* http://anonnewsnet.blogspot.com/
* http://iwearpants.posterous.com/hacking-for-freedom -- video by an AnonOps member
* http://lorea.cc//join.html -- "hotbed of social networks"
* '''2011-05-18''' [http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/201151882929682601.html Western media fraud in the Middle East]
* '''2011-05-12''' [http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-20062419-38.html Leahy's Protect IP bill even worse than COICA]
* '''2011-04-26''' [http://opensource.com/life/11/4/open-source-tractors-and-diy-manufacturing Open source tractors and DIY manufacturing]
* US gov illegitimacy:
** '''2011-05-20''' [http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2011/05/party_leaders_agree_on_patriot.php Party Leaders Agree On Patriot Act Extension]
** '''2011-05-18''' [http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2011/05/kiss_the_constitution_goodbye.php Kiss the Constitution Goodbye]
* http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/gahfh/if_i_make_a_mistake_i_lose_my_job_when_the/ - some good discussion
* '''2011-05-20''' [http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-20/u-s-fuel-demand-increased-in-april-as-economy-grew-api-says.html U.S. Fuel Demand Increased in April as Economy Grew, API Says]: has some numbers
* '''2011-05-16''' [http://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2011/05/solar_farm_near_climax_loosing.html Solar farm near Climax losing money because of property taxes]
* '''2011-05-20''' [http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/05/20/1212835/perdue-criticizes-but-wont-veto.html Perdue criticizes, but won't veto, municipal broadband limits]: at least she said she won't sign it, either
* '''2011-05-20''' [http://www.marxist.com/spain-rebellion-of-youth.htm Spain: The rebellion of the youth]
* '''2011-05-19''' [http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/05/201151917634659824.html Anonymous and the Arab uprisings]
* '''2011-05-10''' [http://www.hrcbackstory.org/2011/05/full-steam-ahead-in-north-carolina-fighting-the-anti-lgbt-constitutional-amendment/ Full Steam Ahead In North Carolina: Fighting the Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment]
* '''2011-05-21''' [http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2011/05/21/bush-era-tax-cuts-projected-as-largest-contributor-to-public-debt-chart/ Bush-Era Tax Cuts Projected As Largest Contributor To Public Debt]: in case there was any doubt
* '''2010-09-16''' [http://www.portlandtribune.com/opinion/story.php?story_id=128458597113243800 Put voter-owned elections to rest]
It sounds like Portland's experiment with public financing was very poorly implemented, and a poorly-implemented trial doesn't really say much (positive or negative) about the system it is intended to test. Ask any scientist.
Surely there are other examples where it was done right, so we could see whether it works or not. The Wikipedia article mentions attempts in several states, but it sounds like they had implementation problems as well... for instance, the loophole that allows a well-funded candidate to opt out is a total ringer, rendering the whole idea moot in practice.
That said, if I could choose one simple thing to change about the election system, it would be some form of penalty for lies or distortions in political campaigns -- e.g. for each lie or distortion about an opponent, the opponent gets twice as much time to respond (minimum 30 seconds per point). If the candidate lies about their own record, then all opponents get that much time.
Has anything like *that* ever been tried properly?
===M. Workhoven===
I'm not sure how that would work. Distortions are often in the eye of the beholder, and there might be First Amendment issues. Lawyers would argue that people have a constitutional right to be full of shit, and they'd have a point. However, if the candidates voluntarily agreed to abide by the rulings of a bipartisan truth commission, and if they're found to be wrong, have sit in a penalty box or whatever, I think that would be hilarious. But I don't think they'd agree to that. Negative campaigning is too effective.
You're right that opting out of public financing renders to the whole idea moot. But controlling private money is like trying to stop the tide from coming in, it always finds a way. If donators can't give money directly to the candidates, then they'll just put ads on TV themselves on behalf of whoever they want to win. And the Supreme Court says they can.
So instead of trying to control the money, I thought it would be better to just make the campaigns cheaper. Make 'em shorter and give the candidates free but equal air time. Air time is the most expensive part of any campaign, so maybe that would eliminate the need for politicians to spend all their time fundraising. And don't let 'em opt out!
And if outside groups want to buy ad space for 501 ads, then legally you have to let 'em. But at least force them to announce who they really are. So instead of hearing, "This ad was paid for by the group 'Citizens who care about small children and puppies for Candidate John Smith,'" The audience would hear, "This ad paid for by the BP Oil Company for John Smith," which would probably do more harm than good. Right now, they can hide behind some fictional citizens group with a name they just made up, and that's inherently dishonest.
It's not the most elegant solution, but it would stop a lot of the nonsense that is happening now.
Seems to me that "free speech" at some point needs to be balanced by a freedom of protection from bad information, if someone can show that damage has been done by the bad information (or will be done if the information is not corrected) -- especially if the remedy is to correct the information, rather than to exact some kind of punitive fine. There is precedent for this, e.g. libel, defamation of character, truth-in-advertising. (Truth-in-advertising laws *surely* should apply to paid political announcements.)
I'd go even further and suggest that political speech should be considered a form of contract, with all the legal repercussions.
===M. Workhoven===
Hmmm. Maybe there's an enterprising lawyer out there who can make a test case for this. I'd love to see a dishonest politician sued for libel and slander.
But politics is weird, because you can't sue the government, or by extension a government employee, for defamation that causes loss of income over some law they passed, as long as the law is constitutional. If you could, then Wall Street could sue the president over every new business regulation, arguing that he broke a campaign promise to strengthen business and the economy. If they could, every politician would go to jail!
Unlike a product on TV that advertises you can cure herpes with magnets or whatever, politics is a very subjective thing. It's practically a politician's job to present a distorted picture to the voters to make themselves look as good as possible and their opponent look as bad as possible. As Mark Twain said, "There are three kinds of lies; lies, damn lies, and statistics." It's one thing for them to say that they have evidence their opponent worships Satan. But as long as their carefully cherry-picked statistics are technically true, then what can you do? Especially when politicians have underlings who can secretly start a whisper campaign that their opponent worships Satan. And then say something like, "I think many voters in my district think it's a legitimate question whether my opponent worships the Dark Lord, but other than that I have no comment."
I doubt that such standards could be applied *now*, under present laws. Hypothetically, however...
1. A politician running for office is not yet a government employee, so I don't think the "suing the government" argument applies. I would extend that to incumbents as well, since they're not yet in the term of office for which they are offering you promises.
2. I'm not suggesting that suits could be filed over *any* harm, just harm that resulted specifically from inaccurate statements made and discovered while campaigning. (Other laws theoretically come into play when a politician lies while in office -- impeachment, recalls, and so forth -- though that hasn't been working so well lately, which is another problem.)
At the very *least*, we should be seeing some serious time and energy spent explaining why campaign promises were broken, and trying to convince us not to sue for breach of promise.
3. My whole point is that it should *not* be in a politician's best interest to present a distorted view in order to manipulate people. That is a huge part of what is wrong with the system right now.
4. All too often, "we" (or enough of "us" to decide the election) swallow facts that are not just distorted but *factually untrue*, because they sound believable. This should matter. This should be very, very harmful to a candidate when it is discovered, and provide steep incentive for them to avoid doing it at all costs. It should be so harmful that they would even avoid technically-true distortions, lest the court find that the "common understanding" of what was said was factually wrong.
* '''2009-02-09''' [http://www.minnpost.com/community_voices/2009/02/09/6398/the_myth_of_voter_fraud The myth of voter fraud]
* '''2011-05-11''' [http://www.realitysandwich.com/suing_states Suing the States]
* '''2011-01-10''' [http://newsroom.intel.com/community/intel_newsroom/blog/2011/01/10/intel-unveils-connected-store-with-adidas-best-buy-kraft-foods-mit-media-lab-procter-gamble Intel Unveils Connected Store with adidas, Best Buy, Kraft Foods, MIT Media Lab, Procter & Gamble]: just as an example of the kind of resources that ''do'' get put into new tech in retail...
* '''2011-05-20''' [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/05/20/surveillance/index.html The always-expanding bipartisan Surveillance State] by Glenn Greenwald
* '''2011-05-13''' http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/finance/1090435/?start=192 -- practical criticism of bitcoin
* '''2011-05-23''' [http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/05/23/110523fa_fact_mayer?currentPage=all The Secret Sharer]: Thomas Drake, whistleblower
* http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/37659/the-beginners-guide-to-linux-disk-utilities/
* http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections/2011/en -- note that Wikimedia is ''not'' using standard voting for their Board of Trustees election.
* '''2011-05-19''' [http://www.mikechurch.com/Today-s-Lead-Story/in-sheriff-if-we-need-to-conduct-random-house-to-house-searches-we-will.html IN Sheriff: If We Need to Conduct RANDOM HOUSE to HOUSE Searches We Will] (date uncertain)
* open source accounting software:
** http://www.sql-ledger.com/cgi-bin/nav.pl?page=source/index.html&title=Download
** http://www.turbocashuk.com/index.html
** http://www.osalt.com/postbooks -- Win/Mac only?
* WordPress hosting/webmastering:
** http://en.wordpress.com/products/
** http://www.thewordpresswebmaster.com/services/
** http://haroldmansfield.com/services-and-pricing/ -- the high end
* '''2010-09-25''' [http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/09/25/retired-military-personnel-to-confirm-ufo-incursions-at-american-nuclear-weapons-sites/ Retired Military Personnel To Confirm UFO Incursions at American Nuclear Weapons Sites]
* '''2010-09-27''' [http://www.ufofiles.org/ufo-news/cnn-special-news-09-27-2010
* '''2011-05-12''' [http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/05/12/gloom-and-doom-and-how-to-profit-from-it/ Gloom and Doom, and How to Profit From It]
* '''2011-01-25''' [http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/01/25/passenger_acquitted/ Passenger cleared after TSA checkpoint stare-down]: Phil Mocek (yossman says some guy in Florida actually did jail time over something similar)
* http://www1.networkforgood.org/ - crowdfunding site
* '''2011-05-19''' [http://www.businessinsider.com/protect-ip-fka-coica-2011-5 Protect IP (FKA COICA)]
* http://rootstrikers.org/story/nc-should-encourage-not-prohibit-community-broadband/
* '''2011-05-18''' [http://twitter.com/#!/brettglass/status/70890756428144641 Twitter] "brettglass Brett Glass @lessig lobbies for the agenda of his benefactor Google - again - by promoting unfair govt competition with ISPs. @fixcongress #rootstrikers" -- whuu?
* '''2011-05-18''' [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-13431562 Saudi woman seeks to put women in the driving seat]
** '''2011-05-22''' [http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2011/05/22/world/middleeast/international-us-saudi-driving.html?_r=1&hp Saudi Woman Arrested for Challenging Driving Ban]
* '''2011-05-18''' [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13273348 Bionic hand for 'elective amputation' patient]
* '''2011-05-18''' [http://www.rferl.org/content/anonymous_leader_quits_is_barrett_brown_the_next_julian_assange/24178655.html Anonymous 'Leader' Quits. Is Barrett Brown The Next Julian Assange?]
* '''2011-05-04''' [http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748461 Ubuntu 11.04 crash and Desktop problems] (date is approximate): forum thread where I posted about my crashing issue
* @zeitgeist says lots of vaccination data available at pubmed and PLoS
* http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-31727_162-20029626-10391695.html
** http://www.ageofautism.com/2011/01/cbs-covers-pedatric-seizure-increase-post-flu-vaccination.html
* '''2011-05-16''' [http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/05/16/1202454/some-durham-warehouse-tenants.html Some Durham warehouse tenants reopen after roof collapse]
* '''2011-05-18''' [http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/05/sovereign_citizen_resists_traffic_stop_arrest_as_a_free_citizen_on_a_free_highway.php?ref=tn Sovereign Citizen Resists Traffic Stop Arrest As A 'Free Citizen On A Free Highway']: are "sovereign citizens" going to be demonized now, or are they truly causing problems?
* '''2011-05-17''' [http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/05/newt-apologizes-to-paul-ryan-begs-democrats-not-to-use-his-own-quotes-in-ads.php Newt Apologizes To Paul Ryan, Begs Democrats Not To Use His Own Quotes In Ads]: Newt becomes professional flip-flopper. Will flip-flop for power.
* http://signon.org/ -- needs a site critique. Maybe I should write up a proposal that MoveOn needs more advanced community-organization tools, and then start a petition to ask MoveOn to hire me to implement...
* '''2011-05-16''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/17/science/17rib.html Turning to Biomechanics to Build a Kinder, Gentler Rib Spreader]: Crenshaw lives on Pinecrest
* [[youtube:Iqmba7npY8g]] cat and owl are friends
* '''2011-05-16''' [http://www.indyweek.com/citizen/archives/2011/05/12/the-horrifying-case-of-pedro-guzman-this-is-american-justice The horrifying case of Pedro Guzman: His ordeal is over as the government drops its appeal]: a horrible story with a happy ending
* [http://action.fooddemocracynow.org/sign/dr_hubers_warning/ Dr. Huber's Warning]: is Dr. Don Huber actually an internationally recognized plant pathologist, or a crank? Needs checking.
* '''2011-05-04''' [http://www.penmachine.com/2011/05/the-last-post The last post]: another cancer death on the internet
* '''2011-05-17''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/17/nurses-layoffs-executives-attack_n_862741.html Hospital Workers, Facing Layoffs, Launch Counterattack On Executives]: yay!
* '''2011-05-17''' [http://sierraclub.typepad.com/compass/2011/05/clean-energy-continues-to-grow-leaving-dirty-coal-behind.html Clean Energy Continues to Grow, Leaving Dirty Coal Behind]: take that, "drill-baby-drill"ers...
* '''2011-05-17''' [http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/05/17/1202236/man-made-disaster-for-long-term.html Man-made disaster for long-term unemployed] "At stake are unemployment benefits for those North Carolinians who have exhausted 79 weeks of unemployment checks. Though federal dollars are already allocated to extend benefits to these needy families, political game-playing - in the form of GOP insistence on a provision that would cause Gov. Beverly Perdue to forfeit any effective voice in shaping the budget of the state she must lead - is blocking them, making it harder for these families to buy food, pay the rent or the mortgage."
* '''2011-05-15''' [http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/05/15/1199504/speculation-explains-more-about.html#storylink=misearch Speculation explains more about oil price hikes than anything else]
* [[Bitcoin]]:
** [[wikipedia:Bitcoin]]
** [http://www.weusecoins.com/ WeUseCoins]
** [https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Main_Page Bitcoin Wiki]
** '''2011-05-15''' [http://launch.is/blog/l019-bitcoin-p2p-currency-the-most-dangerous-project-weve-ev.html L019: Bitcoin P2P Currency: The Most Dangerous Project We've Ever Seen]
* [[wikipedia:Crypto-anarchism]]
* [[wikipedia:Smart contract]]: related to InstaGov, I think...
* '''2011-05-16''' [http://www.rootstrikers.org/story/community-broadband/ Stop corporations from stifling community broadband]
* http://www.unhosted.org/ - "open web standard for decentralizing user data. On the unhosted web, data is stored per-user, wherever the user decides."
* http://yacy.de/en/ - p2p search engine
* DCA "cure" for cancer:
** '''2007-03-15''' [http://www.dca.med.ualberta.ca/Home/Updates/2007-03-15_Update.cfm The Official University of Alberta DCA Website]
** '''2007-12-18''' [http://www.nature.com/bjc/journal/v99/n7/full/6604554a.html Dichloroacetate (DCA) as a potential metabolic-targeting therapy for cancer]
** [[wikipedia:Dichloroacetate#Potential_cancer_applications]]
** [http://hubpages.com/hub/Scientists_cure_cancer__but_no_one_takes_notice Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice] (can't find a date, but it's 2007-ish)
** '''2011-05-16''' [http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2011/05/dichloroacetate_and_cancer.php Dichloroacetate and cancer]: no, Virginia, DCA is not a cure for cancer
* '''2011-05-13''' [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/8510360/First-injunction-specifically-bans-Facebook-and-Twitter.html First injunction specifically bans Facebook and Twitter]
* '''2007-04-06''' [http://consumerist.com/2007/04/dont-fly-without-a-copy-of-rule-240.html Don't Fly Without A Copy Of Rule 240]
* '''2011-05-11''' [http://norristown.patch.com/articles/one-person-one-vote-not-here One Person, One Vote? Not Here]
* '''2011-05-14''' [http://www.politiscoop.com/component/content/article/35-last-24h-news/283-waukesha-goes-after-the-disabled.html Waukesha Goes after the disabled]: not sure how much of this was self-inflicted drama
** '''2011-05-14''' [[youtube:5a61b__DxTo|We Are WI Rally!!! And My Arrest as Waukesha Tries to Intimidate Me!! SHARE!!]]
* '''2011-05-05''' [[youtube:LMIgT_NGgek|Ron Paul Asked About Heroin Legalization 2012 Republican Debate]]
* '''2011-05-17''' [http://www.nzherald.co.nz/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=10725844 Tapu Misa: Myth of the persecuted white majority] (they have a persecuted white majority in NZ too, apparently)
* '''2011-05-14''' [http://priceofoil.org/2011/05/14/top-5-myths-about-subsidies-to-oil-companies/ Top 5 myths about subsidies to oil companies]
* '''2011-05-13''' [http://consortiumnews.com/2011/05/13/how-fox-news-outfoxes-average-americans/ How Fox News Outfoxes Americans]
* '''2011-05-16''' [http://www.boingboing.net/2011/05/16/guatemala-27-massacr.html Guatemala: 27 massacred, decapitated in Petén by paramilitary drug gang Los Zetas]
* [http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/article_ec169697-a19e-525f-a532-81b3df229697.html Court: No right to resist illegal cop entry into home] -- I think this is already filed...
** [http://www.blaghag.com/2011/05/indiana-police-can-now-enter-your-home.html Indiana: Police can now enter your home whenever they want]: Blag Hag
* '''2011-05-11''' [http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2011/05/11/mitch-daniels-defunds-planned-parenthood-of-indiana/ Mitch Daniels Defunds Planned Parenthood of Indiana, and Why You Should Care]
* http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/web-sites-on-web-server/ Reverse IP Lookup - Find Other Web Sites Hosted on a Web Server
* '''2009-11-17''' [http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/print/3528 Addicted To Being Good? The Psychopathology of Heroism]
* '''2010-11-02''' [http://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/11/02-2 Shades of Howard Zinn: It's Okay If It's Impossible]
* '''2010-09-28''' [http://pewforum.org/other-beliefs-and-practices/u-s-religious-knowledge-survey.aspx U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey]: supposedly includes figures on how many Catholics believe that transubstantiation is a metaphor
* '''2011-05-13''' [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/the-coming-conservative-court-harper-to-reshape-judiciary/article2022139/ The coming conservative court: Harper to reshape judiciary]
* '''2011-05-14''' [http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/hundreds-in-jaffa-take-to-the-streets-to-mark-nakba-day-1.361666 Hundreds in Jaffa take to the streets to mark Nakba Day]
* '''2011-05-14''' [http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=387454 Activists: 2 seriously injured in Nabi Saleh]
** [[youtube:W9IcxK-jwjA|NABI SALEH 13-5-2011]]: either the same video, or another video of related events the same day
* '''2010-05-31''' [http://www.thefreemanonline.org/headline/are-cameras-the-new-guns/ Are Cameras the New Guns?]
* '''2011-03''' [http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/income-inequality-in-america-chart-graph It's the Inequality, Stupid]
* [http://www.ci.durham.nc.us/departments/manager/sustainability/Index.cfm  Durham City/County Sustainability Office]
* '''2011-05-12''' [http://www.washingtonblade.com/2011/05/12/house-panel-adopts-anti-gay-amendments-in-defense-bill/ House Panel Adopts Anti-Gay Amendments In Defense Bill]
* '''2011-05-14''' [http://truthout.org/actually-rich-dont-create-jobs-we-do/1305380742 Actually, "the Rich" Don't "Create Jobs," We Do]
* '''Mormon stuff''':
** [http://www.exmormon.org/mormon/mormon178.htm List of Silly Mormon Beliefs]
** [http://www.exmormon.org/templex.htm Mormon Temple Experiences]
** [http://www.mormonthink.com/lying.htm Lying for the Lord]
** [[wikipedia:Mountain Meadows massacre]]
* '''Anonymous stuff''':
** [http://anonoma.byethost14.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page Bibliotheca Anonoma] (wiki)
** [http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/34/pressenel.jpg/ Operation Green Rights]
** '''2011-05-10''' [http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/05/the-hackers-hacked-main-anonymous-irc-servers-seized.ars The hackers hacked: main Anonymous IRC servers invaded]
** '''2011-05-12''' [http://krebsonsecurity.com/2011/05/anonymous-splinter-group-implicated-in-game-company-hack/ Anonymous Splinter Group Implicated in Game Company Hack]
* '''Khaddafi''': anti-US propaganda? or for reals?
** '''2011-03-25''' [http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/crimes/25-03-2011/117336-reason_for_war_oil-0/ Reason for war? Gaddafi wanted to nationalise oil]
* '''2011-04-25''' [http://reason.com/blog/2011/04/25/state-dept-proposes-creepy-imp State Dept. Proposes Creepy, Impossible-To-Answer Questions for Passport Applications]
* '''2011-05-12''' [http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/05/on-the-upside-down-world-of-mmt.html On the Upside-Down World of MMT]
* [http://littlesis.org/ LittleSis]: tracking the key relationships of politicians, business leaders, lobbyists, financiers, and their affiliated institutions.
** [http://littlesis.org/person/5804/John_P_Mackey John Mackey]
* http://theyrule.net/ -- Flash-dependent, does not work with Gnash, but still potentially useful
* [http://energyalmanac.ca.gov/gasoline/margins/index.html Estimated 2011 Gasoline Price Breakdown & Margins Details] for California
* '''2011-05-11''' [http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2011/05/11/transgender_bias_in_workplace_costs_millions_study_says/ Transgender bias in workplace costs millions, study says]
* '''2011-05-09''' [http://www.slate.com/id/2293541/ The professor's pronouncements about Osama Bin Laden are stupid and ignorant.] by Christopher Hitchens
* '''2006-11''' [http://www.spectacle.org/1196/atomic.html NUCLEAR WASTE: WHO CAN SOLVE THE PROBLEM?]
* '''2011-05-11''' [http://www.weartv.com/newsroom/top_stories/videos/wear_vid_15477.shtml suspicious fish are worrying anglers and researchers alike]
* '''2011-05-02''' [http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/opinion-zone/2011/05/about-those-oil-company-subsidies About those oil company subsidies] -- some good commentary [http://www.facebook.com/toby.a.loftus/posts/224699324207558?ref=notif&notif_t=share_reply on Facebook]
* [http://hlinkoconsulting.com/home/about about John Hlinko]: maybe this guy could help promote InstaGov, when it's ready for prime-time For public transport areas, greater crime rates]: these claims -- factual or not -- need to be taken into account. Found his name on the whois record for cheapergas.us; see [http://www.facebook.com/CheaperGas Facebook].
* '''Anonymous news''':
** '''2011-05-10''' [http://www.thinq.co.uk/2011/5/10/anonops-accuses-coup-leader-bullying/ AnonOps accuse coup leader of 'bullying']
** '''2011-05-11''' [http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/201119/7163/The-fighting-continues-as-AnonOps-stages-a-comeback The fighting continues as AnonOps stages a comeback]
* [http://www.socialistinternational.org/viewArticle.cfm?ArticleID=24 ETHICAL CHARTER of the SOCIALIST INTERNATIONAL]: rather different definition of socialism than [[wikipedia:socialism|wikipedia]]'s. Have there been any edit-wars on Wikipedia over this? Dictionary.com defines it similarly to Wikipedia: "a theory or system of social organization  that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole."
* '''2011-05-11''' [http://www.propublica.org/article/nrc-waives-enforcement-of-fire-rules-at-nuclear-plants NRC Waives Enforcement of Fire Rules at Nuclear Plants]
* '''2010-05-08''' [http://www.badscience.net/2010/05/the-real-political-nerds/#more-1620 The real political nerds]: more on bloggers
* '''2011-02-22''' [http://www.dailypennsylvanian.com/article/public-transport-areas-greater-crime-rates
* '''2011-01-06''' [http://www.aclu.org/national-security/breakdown-justice-act A Breakdown of the JUSTICE Act]: what's the status of this?
* http://chainbreaker.org/ "working to build community and expand access to safe, affordable and sustainable transportation in Santa Fe, New Mexico since 2004"
* '''2011-05-09''' [http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/05/09/the_myth_of_9_billion The Myth of 9 Billion]: I wouldn't exactly call it a ''myth''; it was an estimate that turned out to be off, for very specific reasons
* '''2011-05-03''' [http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503543_162-20059095-503543.html Osama bin Laden's hard drive being examined]
* '''2011-05-10''' [http://www.npr.org/2011/05/10/136179771/following-arab-worlds-lead-mexicans-rise-up Following Arab World's Lead, Mexicans Rise Up]
* '''2011-04-25''' [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8472430/WikiLeaks-leaked-files-accuse-BBC-of-being-part-of-a-possible-propaganda-media-network.html WikiLeaks: leaked files accuse BBC of being part of a 'possible propaganda media network']: unfortunately, the propaganda network in question is not Koch Industries
* '''2011-01-28''' [http://www.cdt.org/blogs/john-morris/doj-looking-mandatory-internet-data-retention-law DOJ Looking for Mandatory Internet Data Retention Law]: did anything come of this?
* '''2011-05-09''' [http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/may/09/ipcc-renewable-energy-power-world?intcmp=122 Renewable energy can power the world, says landmark IPCC study]: about time someone made it official
* '''2011-02-11''' [http://motherjones.com/blue-marble/2011/02/republican-climate-nasa-budget Taking Climate Denial to New Extremes]
* '''2008-07-24''' [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2008/07/24/journalism Who is doing real journalism?] by Glenn Greenwald
* '''2011-05-10''' [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13338754 Why are Americans so angry about petrol prices?]
''posted on Facebook:''
Reasons why ''I'm'' angry about gas prices (although it's not really one of my top issues):
* Because the govt *didn't* start taxing it stiffly back in the 1970s, when it should have been obvious to everyone that we had become too dependent, to help pay for development of new fuels to replace it.
* Because the govt pays subsidies to petroleum companies
* Because the govt heavily subsidizes petroleum companies *instead of* alt fuels, and we should have had affordable electric cars 20-30 years ago; instead I'm stuck driving beasts that now cost $100-200 in gas per month
* Because Republicans keep cutting funds for public transportation, while supporting subsidies for yet more roads and highways
* Because the few govt subsidies for alt fuels go mainly to the wrong ones, like corn-based ethanol, and actually cause more problems than they solve
Also, the "dollar prices" are misleading. A dollar may be worth about half a Euro, leading to 1 Euro of gas costing $1.50+ for a visiting tourist, but if you look at earning power (average wages) the dollar and the Euro are more on a par with each other -- $2.50 isn't twice as hard to earn in England as $1 is here. The exchange rate sucks because of our trade deficit, not because dollars represent less labor than Euros.
So people in Europe aren't as upset about gas prices for two reasons: (1) the prices actually aren't that much higher, and (2) they have more public transportation (and a social safety net, so there's less worry of falling off a financial cliff when you can't make ends meet).
* http://www.stopfbi.net/supporting-organizations -- for FBI page, and also list of organizations that might be networked
* [[wikipedia:Streisand effect]] or, how I learned to stop worrying and <3 the internet
* '''2004-07-29''' [http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/jul2004/nf20040729_9971_db045.htm The Unbearable Costs of Empire]: but who could have foreseen...?
* '''2011-05-09''' [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/05/09/fear Bin Laden's death doesn't end his fear-mongering value]
* '''2011-02-04''' [http://www.aclu.org/national-security/latif-et-al-v-holder-et-al-aclu-challenges-government-no-fly-list Latif, et al. v. Holder, et al. - ACLU Challenges Government No Fly List]
* http://derfcity.com/newstuff/newtoon.html - nice cartoon comment on Bin Laden vs. Manning
* '''2011-05-07''' [http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2011/05/rc-journal-an-omnivorous-strategy-for-local-energy.html An Omnivorous Strategy for Local Energy] has some useful alt-energy links. Also, I commented.
* '''2011-05-03''' [http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2011/05/obama-aide-bin-laden-not-armed/1 Obama aide: Bin Laden not armed when killed]: slowly getting the story worked out
* Osama bin Laden:
** '''2011-05-07''' [http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/1520/who-cares-about-osama Who Cares About Osama] by Nir Rosen
** <s>'''2011-05-07''' [http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/05/07-5 My Reaction to Osama bin Laden's Death] by Noam Chomsky</s> filed on Issuepedia 5/10
** '''2011-05-03''' [http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2011/05/why_bin_laden_won.php Why Bin Laden Won] by Ed Brayton (might as well include this, even though I've got it marked in RSS)
** '''2011-05-07''' [http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2011/05/obama_v_mccain_in_the_2008_cam.php Obama v McCain in the 2008 Campaign] (video): whether or not you believe OBL was really killed, or that the US behaved appropriately in the way they handled the mission, at least Obama was consistent about the need. Funny that McCain/Palin only raise the objection about "telegraphing your moves" -- nothing about whether we have the right to invade Pakistan.
* [http://compellingcomics.justsomeguy.com/CanadaVotes2011/Canada.html Which Canada will You Vote for?]: photocomic about the election of Stephen Harper, 2011
* '''2011-05-02''' [http://thinkprogress.org/2011/05/02/texas-yacht-tax-break/ During Budget Crisis, Texas House Committee Passes Tax Break For Yacht Owners]
* [http://www.hamilton.edu/news/polls/pundit Are Talking Heads Blowing Hot Air?]: Paul Krugman and Maureen Dowd get top marks; Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham were more often wrong than right
* [http://abcnews.go.com/WN/page?id=12896382 Made in America]: list of products made in the US. How many of these are Koch Industries?
* '''2011-05-05''' [http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/sen-dick-durbin-how-can-we-send-one-m Sen. Dick Durbin: How Can We Send One More Soldier To Die In Afghanistan? Looks Like Senators Are Finally Waking Up]
* [http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/durable-financial-power-of-attorney-29936.html Durable Financial Power of Attorney: How it Works]: hopefully I won't need this...
* '''2011-05-06''' [http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/06/obama-calls-for-end-of-oil-subsidies/ Obama Calls for End of Oil Subsidies]
* '''2009-05-18''' [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/05/17/AR2009051702053.html The High Cost of Poverty: Why the Poor Pay More]
* http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/9/11_conspiracy_theories ...sigh...
* '''2001-12-26''' [http://www.foxnews.com/printer_friendly_story/0,3566,41576,00.html Report: Bin Laden Already Dead] in case I didn't already have ''this'' link too...
* '''2011-05-03''' [http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/05/the-slippery-story-of-the-bin-laden-kill/238261/ The Slippery Story of the bin Laden Kill]: I should have saved the link to Rachel Maddow explaining how all these changes in detail are normal for an "evolving news story", not necessarily signs of a cover-up
* '''2011-05-03''' [http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/05/a-revealing-photo/238284/ A Revealing Photo]: this doesn't lead me to any particular conclusions and I don't really have any place to file it (except Barack Obama/presidency), but I have the feeling I'll be sorry if I don't save it somewhere.
* [http://cryptoanarchy.org/wiki/Main_Page Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau]
* '''2011-03-18''' [http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/03/gop-bill-irs-abortion-audits GOP Bill Would Force IRS to Conduct Abortion Audits]: GOP hates IRS, GOP hates big intrusive government. GOP wants to make IRS bigger and more intrusive.
* '''2001-10-15''' [http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/bush-rejects-taliban-offer-to-surrender-bin-laden-631436.html Bush rejects Taliban offer to surrender bin Laden] "After a week of debilitating strikes at targets across Afghanistan, the Taliban repeated an offer to hand over Osama bin Laden, only to be rejected by President Bush." (in case I didn't already have this link)
* '''2011-01-24''' [http://eddieleaks.org/2011/01/04/kevin-barrett-speaks-with-susan-lindauer-ex-cia-asset-and-imprisoned-911-whistleblower/ Kevin Barrett speaks with Susan Lindauer, ex-CIA asset and imprisoned 9/11 whistleblower]
* [http://agoraproject.eu/eng/information Information (papers, video, links)] "Papers/books about: Privacy, Hacktivsm, Political activism, Security and Democracy."
* [http://alive.in/syria/ Alive in Syria]
** '''2011-04-29'' [http://alive.in/syria/blog/2011/04/29/eyewitness-account-from-syria/ Eyewitness account from Syria]
* [http://www.opanonymous.com/showthread.php?tid=37&pid=135 Operation Freedom] (poorly named; it's to draw attention to the plight of a Connecticut woman jailed for sending her son to the wrong public school) -- the followup not-really-a-comment may be 4chanspeak for "this operation abandoned", although the IRC channel is still open as of 5/3
* '''2011-05-03''' [http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2011/may/03/deraa-rebels-crackdown-syrian-forces-video Deraa rebels face crackdown by Syrian forces - video]
* [http://openfarmtech.org/wiki/Main_Page Open Source Ecology] (aka Open Source Farm Tech)
** [http://openfarmtech.org/wiki/Open_Source_Car Open Source Car]
** [http://openfarmtech.org/wiki/Earthship Earthship]
* '''2011-04-28''' [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/click_online/9469594.stm The robots that recycle for us]
* '''2011-05-02''' [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-13257795 Syria: Army in Deraa arrests 500 men]
* '''2011-05-02''' [http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/02/us-syria-idUSLDE73N02P20110502 Leading activist seized in Syrian roundup]
** pop-up text for the image reads: "PICTURE TAKEN ON GUIDED GOVERNMENT TOUR A supporter of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad holds aloft a photograph of the president at Hamidiya market in Damascus April 30, 2011." Clearly they want foreign journalists to believe there is popular support for Bashar. Other reports would tend to indicate to the contrary.
* '''2011-05-02''' [http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/05/02/bin.laden.raid/index.html?hpt=T1 How U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden]
* [http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/paleo.html NOAA Paleoclimatology] apparently has a lot of raw data
* '''2011-05-02''' [[youtube:ufKv-5t0t4E|Mass Arrests, Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against WIU Students]]
* http://rtr.org/ - interesting site that bogs down Firefox with embedded video
* http://wanttoknow.info/9-11cover-up -- "official" anomalies, i.e. anomalies acknowledged in the MSM
* http://ncf.uschamber.com/wp-content/uploads/ - seems to have a lot of overlap with the supposed "leak" released via Anonymous
* [http://www.youtube.com/user/UgaritNews Ugarit News] has a lot of minimally-edited video of massacres in Syria, including these on the 2011-04-29 Talbeseh Homs massacre: [[youtube:fXFgAb4IrGU]] [[youtube:8-fOfBPzU_M]] [[youtube:KjbWmuie_G4]]
* '''2011-04-29''' Peru: [http://elcomercio.pe/peru/749846/noticia-congreso-declara-como-derecho-fundamental-acceso-internet_1 Congress declares a fundamental right to Internet access] (in Spanish)
* '''2011-04-30''' [http://news.intercom.gs/video-from-syrias-great-friday-of-unarmed-pea Video from #Syria's Great Friday of unarmed, peaceful protesters being fired upon with live ammunition] (does not have any watermark; appears to be raw video)
* '''2011-03''' [http://www.ted.com/talks/david_logan_on_tribal_leadership.html David Logan on tribal leadership]
* '''2011-04-05''' [http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/04/astrophoto-comet/ Amateur Astrophotographers Unwittingly Help Scientists Track Comet]: is this a form of crowdsourcing, or is it slightly outside the bounds of that?
* '''1963''' [http://www.maebrussell.com/Prouty/Harry%20Truman%27s%20CIA%20article.html Limit CIA Role To Intelligence] by Harry S Truman: "We have grown up as a nation, respected for our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it."
* '''2011-04-27''' [http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2011-04-27/liberals-stealth-budget-solution-raises-taxes-on-rich-saves-social-security/p/editorial@thedailybeast.commailto:editorial@thedailybeast.com The Left's Stealth Budget Plan] by David A. Graham
* '''2011-04-29''' [http://blogs.voanews.com/breaking-news/2011/04/29/us-to-freeze-assets-of-syrian-intelligence-agency-and-al-assad-relatives-3/# US to Freeze Assets of Syrian Intelligence Agency and al-Assad Relatives]
* '''2011-04-30''' [http://news.intercom.gs/syrian-day-of-rage-1 Syrian Day of Rage, 1.] (must be early on 4/30 as I paste this)
* '''2011-04-30''' [http://news.intercom.gs/syrias-day-of-rage-2-banias Syria's Day of Rage 2. Banias.]
* '''2011-04-30''' [http://news.intercom.gs/united-anonymous-network-english-op-blitzkrie United Anonymous Network - English: OP Blitzkrieg] -- has nothing but a poster on it so far; presumably will be updated with progress Tweets or something...
* [http://www.cpj.org/mideast/bahrain/ Bahrain news] from the Committee to Protect Journalists
* [http://wiki.intercom.gs/index.php/Main_Page INTERCOM - Emergency Communications Division] (wiki)
* http://www.keionline.org/vectors
* '''2011-04-25''' [http://razorfast.com/2011/04/25/dropbox-attempts-to-kill-open-source-project/ Dropbox Attempts to Kill Open Source Project] with a "fake DMCA notice"
* '''2011-04-30''' [http://news.intercom.gs/exposing-syrian-government-propganda-video Exposing Syrian Government Propaganda (video)]
* from abu:
** http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gzSV_w5fl6pc4bkC-SJCNX76zdjQ?docId=CNG.bb8d29de016b5320311c96de8bcead4b.71
** http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/salon/greenwald/~3/0lLnvVBDCQk/obama
** http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/salon/greenwald/~3/qwzJdvL1X48/executive_power
** http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/salon/greenwald/~3/JWvhlj5UjvA/miranda
** http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/salon/greenwald/~3/8qg9aDIGcaA/guantanamo
** http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/salon/greenwald/~3/Wdr2swXJhhA/guantanamo
** http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/salon/greenwald/~3/kFM6y7Nmg2Q/war_crimes
** http://m.newyorker.com/online/blogs/closeread/2011/04/wikileaks-the-uses-of-guantanamo.html
* [[youtube:EFvMPWSBQxw|NASA: Increasing Awesome]]
* [[wikipedia:Porter five forces analysis]] may be useful somehow
* '''2011-04-28''' [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/8394566/Hyper-injunction-stops-you-talking-to-MP.html 'Hyper-injunction' stops you talking to MP] "Voters are being barred from speaking to their MPs under a new generation of gagging orders known as hyper-injunctions, the House of Commons has been told."
* [https://github.com/ether/pad EtherPad]
* [http://www.cyberdissidents.org/ourprograms.html CyberDissidents.org]
* http://www.billionairesteaparty.com - documentary
* [http://news.intercom.gs/new-story-21 There is no "justice" in this. This is just more MURDER. Bahrain Updates]
* '''2011-04-28''' [http://byshr.org/?p=391 Urgent Appeal: issue a Sentence against 7 demonstrators]
* '''2011-04-27''' [http://www.truthout.org/wall-street-tames-washington/1303927934 Wall Street Tames Washington]
* '''2011-04-21''' [http://www.retirelikeme.com/2011/04/21/mississippi-town-destroys-westboro-baptist-plans/ Mississippi Town Destroys Westboro Baptist Plans]: sadly, this turned out to be a hoax. Also, calling Fred Phelps a "Gore supporter" is a gross misrepresentation, while calling him a Democratic activist is just seriously stretching the terminology.
* '''2009-09-03''' [http://urbanlegends.about.com/b/2009/09/03/internet-hoax-says-glenn-beck-raped-murdered-young-girl-in-1990.htm Internet Hoax Says Glenn Beck Raped, Murdered Young Girl in 1990]: the "hoax" was quite deliberate, aiming to show the pointlessness of "argument by non-denial" of the sort that Glenn Beck is known for using.
* '''CMM1000'''
** [http://servicenet.blackanddecker.com/Products/Detail?isId=true&productNumber=CMM1000&selectedType=12137 Black & Decker]
** circuit breaker is a Cooper Bussmann 40 Amp 24 volt
*** [http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=cooper+bussmann+40+amp+circuit+breaker&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=14520397144890820611&sa=X&ei=kcu4TZmeLY34gAewxulv&ved=0CGYQgggwAA# Google products]
**** [http://www.advancedgadgetshop.com/servlet/the-32507/COOPER-BUSSMAN-CB-dsh-40-Circuit/Detail Advanced Gadget Shop]
*** [http://www.cooperindustries.com/content/public/en/bussmann/transportation/products/circuit_protection/circuit_breakers/series_12x_shortstopcircuitbreaker.html Cooper Bussmann Series 12x]
* [http://www.durhampa.org/workgroups/durham-can/ Durham People's Alliance]: improved web site
* http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/25/believers-warn-neighbors-_n_853505.html - so many predictions, so few apocalypses
* [[wikipedia:Workers' self-management]]
* http://www.freepress.net/resources/activist_tools -- what freepress.net suggests (I don't think this will change anything, though it can't hurt)
* '''2007-11-05''' [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2007/11/05/ellison/print.html Only America-hating traitors believe in due process for journalists]: "Rep. Keith Ellison's loyalites are declared suspect because of his belief in core American political principles."
* '''2011-04-25''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/21/911-responders-screened-for-terror-ties_n_852198.html 9/11 Responders To Be Warned They Will Be Screened By FBI's Terrorism Watch List]
* '''2011-03-17''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/17/wave-energy-power-searay_n_837006.html Wave Energy Prototype, 'SeaRay,' Exceeds Expectations]
* '''2010-12-22''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/22/air-powered-car-airpod_n_799939.html Air-Powered Car, AirPod: The Future Of Urban Transportation?]: specially-designed but inexpensive small air-powered car
* '''2009-03-17''' [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/motoring/article-1162667/Emission-impossible-The-hybrid-car-runs-air.html Emission impossible? The hybrid car that runs on air]: article is actually about researchers at Brunel University (UK) who have worked out a way to convert a standard petrol engine to air-powered; details unclear, no links
* '''2011-04-21''' [http://www.retirelikeme.com/2011/04/21/mississippi-town-destroys-westboro-baptist-plans/ Mississippi Town Destroys Westboro Baptist Plans]: a way to legally fight back against bullies like Westboro Baptist, without threatening free speech. Also claims that Phelps is a "Democrat activist", with some details but no links. (What does Wikipedia say?)
* '''2007-03-29''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/29/business/29tax.html Income Gap Is Widening, Data Shows] by David Cay Johnston
* '''2011-03-04''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/06/magazine/06lives-t.html?_r=2 The Tire Iron and the Tamale]
* '''2011-04-25''' [http://yro.slashdot.org/story/11/04/25/1415259/Bizarre-Porn-Raid-Underscores-Wi-Fi-Privacy-Risks Bizarre Porn Raid Underscores Wi-Fi Privacy Risks]
* Poul Thorsen:
** '''2010-03-12''' [http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2010/03/thorsen_wakefield_fine_art_of_distraction.php Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Poul Thorsen: The fine art of distraction from inconvenient facts] "Notice how RFK Jr. really, really wants you to believe that the Danish studies are the primary foundation upon which the science exonerating MMR and thimerosal-containing vaccines as a cause of autism rests ... when in fact there are multiple studies and lines of evidence, of which the Danish studies are but a part. Also notice how he conflates a study's being weak with its being fraudulent."
** '''2011-04-19''' [http://www.sunherald.com/2011/04/19/3040322/vaccine-autism-researcher-indicted.html Vaccine-Autism Researcher Indicted for Fraud] " For several years, Thorsen was involved in influential studies defending the controversial use of Thimerosal (about 50% mercury by weight) as a preservative in several vaccines."
** '''2011-04-22''' [http://healthfreedoms.org/2011/04/22/autism-and-vaccines-researcher-for-cdc-indicted-for-fraud-and-money-laundering/ Autism and Vaccines Researcher for CDC, Indicted for Fraud and Money-Laundering]
** '''2011-04-22''' [http://www.science20.com/news_articles/vaccineautism_researcher_poul_thorsen_indicted_fraud_so-78339 Vaccine-Autism Researcher Poul Thorsen Indicted For Fraud - So?] "'Involved' is the term that seems to be confusing CoMed.  Anyone knows if you are not the first author (did the work) or the last author (own the lab) they aren't your studies.  But they insist Thimerosal is linked to autism (disproven) and 'mitochondrial' damage, impossible to prove much less disprove..."
* '''2011-04-23''' [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/04/23/manning President Obama speaks on Manning and the rule of law] "How can Manning possibly expect to receive a fair hearing from military officers when their Commander-in-Chief has already decreed his guilt?"
* '''2009-10-12''' [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2009/10/20/terrorism A Rumsfeld-era reminder about what causes Terrorism]
* '''2010-08-11''' [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/08/11/khadr The Omar Khadr travesty]
* '''2010-09-10''' [http://excatholicgirl.tumblr.com/post/1150523758 A dirty little girl, her head hanging in shame]
* '''2011-04-25''' [http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/80beats/2011/04/25/visual-virtual-people-a-better-model-for-the-behavior-of-crowds/ Visual Virtual People: A Better Model for the Behavior of Crowds]
* '''2011-04-22''' [http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8487 Dear AOL Members: AOL is Censoring YOUR Email]
* '''2011-04-23''' [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13160950 Lasers could replace spark plugs in car engines]
* '''2011-04-15''' [http://www.balloon-juice.com/2011/04/15/albert-einstein-was-a-friend-of-mine-and-i-can-tell-you-representative-you-are-no-albert-einstein/ Albert Einstein was a Friend of Mine, and I Can Tell You, Representative: You Are No Albert Einstein*]: includes more Einstein atheism quotes
* '''2011-04-18''' [http://ade-grumbleweed.blogspot.com/2011/04/return-to-sender-shredded.html Return To Sender (Shredded)]: detailed rebuttal to Scott Walker's claims
* '''2011-04-22''' [http://www.consumertraveler.com/today/state-dept-wants-to-make-it-harder-to-get-a-passport/ State Dept. wants to make it harder to get a passport]: "harder" is an understatement; "absurd bureaucratic nightmate" comes to mind
* '''2011-04-23''' [http://maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/04/23/6517421-more-about-the-catherine-ferguson-academy More about the Catherine Ferguson Academy]: Rachel Maddow reports on totalitarianism in Michigan.
* [[wikipedia:2011 Yemeni protests]]
* [[wikipedia:Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media]]
* [http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=100 What's FAIR?]: documentation of media bias
* http://canadiansforhealthfreedom.wordpress.com/
** [http://healthimpactnews.com/2011/food-sovereignty-law-passed-in-small-maine-town-to-allow-sale-of-locally-produced-food-without-interference-of-regulators/ "Food Sovereignty" law passed in small Maine town to allow sale of locally produced food without interference of regulators]
** [http://canadiansforhealthfreedom.wordpress.com/2011/04/04/bombshell-on-water-fluoridation-read-all-about-it/ Bombshell on Water Fluoridation]
* [[wikipedia:Curtis Media Group]] owns a lot of radio stations in the Triangle; absorbed Durham Life Broadcasting
** [http://www.curtismedia.com/companyinfo.htm history]
** [http://www.curtismedia.com/about_us.htm about]
* [http://www.democracynow.org/get_involved DemocracyNow!] should get filed somewhere
* [[wikipedia:Iroquois#Government]]: for an eventual collection about Native American forms of governance
* [[wikipedia:Anarcho-syndicalism]]: tentatively, this sounds similar to what I've been proposing
* issuepedia needs a page called [[issuepedia:negotiation by force|negotiation by force]]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLr8ZvgURg0 Ex CIA agent explains how to delete the elite!] seems to have been recorded during last year or so of Bush; more inspirational than data-driven, but reinforces a lot of my own suggestions
* [http://openmelody.org/ Melody] CMS designed for blogging, but seems to be more general-purpose. Mentions "access control" -- can some pages be restricted by group membership?
* '''2010-05-16''' [http://www.gizmag.com/electrode-materials-hydrogen-fuel/15118/ Researchers identify new low-cost catalyst for hydrogen production]
* '''2009-06-02''' [http://www.bradblog.com/?p=7198 'Instant Runoff Voting' (IRV) Election Virus Spreads to Los Angeles County]: criticism of alternative vote aggregation methods, but it seems to boil down to politicians (willfully?) screwing up anything but good old one-vote-per-person-binary. "We can't do that right, so you have to keep doing it our way" is a bad argument.
* '''2011-04-20''' [http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/04/poll-70-of-tea-partiers-oppose-cuts-to-medicare-medicaid.php Poll: 70% Of Tea Partiers Oppose Cuts To Medicare, Medicaid]
* '''2011-04-19''' [http://www.chicagotribune.com/health/ct-met-abortion-trice-0420-20110419,0,1552075.story Billboards that highlight black abortion disparity spark debate]
* http://wiki.knownelement.com/index.php?title=Data_Ownership
* '''2011-03-15''' [http://moblog.wiredwings.com/archives/20110315/How-We-Killed-The-Internet-And-Nobody-Noticed.html How We Killed The Internet And Nobody Noticed]
* http://ronja.twibright.com/ "Ronja is a free technology project for reliable optical data links with a current range of 1.4km and a communication speed of 10Mbps full duplex."
* http://buythissatellite.org/about.php - another collaborative action example
* [[wikipedia:Delphi method]]: should be part of structured debate discussion
** some relevant discussion [http://groups. google. com/group/building-a-distributed-decentralized-internet/browse_thread/thread/608e096748584c00 here]
* [http://project.cyclos.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=217&Itemid=216 Cyclos] (did I already save this?)
* [http://theliquiditynetwork.org/about/ The Liquidity Network]
* [http://drupal.org/project/mutual_credit Mutual Credit] Drupal module
* '''2011-01-18''' [http://growchangelearn.blogspot.com/2011/01/flourishing-on-emergent-platforms.html Flourishing on emergent platforms]: see final paragraph
* '''2011-04-21''' [http://www.politicususa.com/en/obama-citizens-united With A Stroke Of His Pen Obama Strikes Back At Citizens United]
* '''2011-04-21''' [http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/mobile/04/20/iphone.tracking/ Report: iPhones secretly track their users' locations]: funny how something which should be empowering (ability to see a log of your own movements, secured by information only available on the device itself) is being presented as a security breach.
* [[wikipedia:2011 Syrian protests]] -- adding to the list of countries...
* http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/news/110311/ - photos and videos of the damaged reactors
* http://ex-skf.blogspot.com/ has news about the disaster, mostly in English
* '''2011-04-19''' [http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2011/04/jail_time_for_not_singing_dirt.php Jail Time for Not Singing Dirty Songs to Kids] - I commented extensively
* http://rootstrikers.org
* [http://www.phibetaiota.net/category/media-coverage/ Public Intelligence Blog]
* '''2011-04-08''' [http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/profiles/blogs/five-stages-to-humanitys Five stages to humanity's ownership of the physical layer of the network]: I want to comment on this and ask... something
* '''2011-04-14''' [http://foknewschannel.com/the-first-guess-lying-about-the-civil-war/ The First Guess: Lying About The Civil War]
* '''2011-04-01''' [http://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/news/2011/04/01/second-suit-challenges-budget-repair.html?ana=twt Second suit challenges budget repair] "As of Friday afternoon, the budget repair law was still under a court injunction preventing the state from enforcing the new rules limiting collective bargaining for public employees." This doesn't have much info, however. May not be worth filing.
* '''2011-04-18''' [http://entequilaesverdad.blogspot.com/2011/04/watch-this-its-terrifying-and-important.html Watch This. It's Terrifying and Important]: (video) programmer testifies under oath that he was asked to create software for fixing the vote by a Florida government official (can't remember the name... Tom Feaney?), and that such tampering would be undetectable and easy to deploy.
* '''2010-09''' [http://www.brookings.edu/reports/2010/09_immigration_greenstone_looney.aspx Ten Economic Facts about Immigration]
* '''2010-09-01''' [http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2010/0901_immigration_west.aspx Seven Myths That Cloud Immigration Debate]
* '''2010-08-03''' [http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2010/0803_immigration_skerry.aspx The Immigration Vote: Ineffective Policies Do Little but Energize Advocacy Groups]
* '''2010-07-27''' [http://www.brookings.edu/articles/2010/0727_europe_integration_taspinar.aspx Europe's Challenge is Integration, Not "Eurabia"]: for [[issuepedia:Islamic cultural invasion]]
* [http://www.smithsonianmag.com/multimedia/videos/Was-Mary-Surratt-a-Lincoln-Conspirator.html Was Mary Surratt a Lincoln Conspirator?] (video) Where was the discussion about Booth's landlady being hung as a conspirator? This should probably go with that (but watch the video first; haven't done that yet).
* '''2011-04-15''' [http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Ten-Enduring-Myths-About-the-US-Space-Program.html Ten Enduring Myths About the U.S. Space Program]: most of these are irrelevant, but some -- the ones about NASA's budget (currently less than 0.5% of spending), popular support, and motivations -- seem useful.
* '''2011-02-24''' [http://current.com/1h5fp4c Ex BP cleanup worker speaks: people are sick and dying in the Gulf]
* '''2011-04-18''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/18/tax-cuts-rich_n_848933.html Cost Of Tax Cuts For America's Rich Exceeds Value Of Budget Cuts] "The estimated cost to the government of that portion of the tax deal, $42 billion this fiscal year, exceeds the stated $38 billion value of the savings from the federal budget cuts lawmakers approved last week."
* '''2011-04-18''' [http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/04/s-p-us-needs-to-get-its-act-together-on-the-debt/237512/ S&P: US Needs to Get Its Act Together on the Debt]: She ends with the conclusion that we need to be willing to compromise on budgetary issues or else face worse consequences down the road (i.e. credit downrating). On the face of it, this seems innocently reasonable enough -- but I see it coming back later with a new paint job: we *liberals* need to be willing to compromise -- on taxing the rich. I do not think we should compromise on that. There should be absolutely no question that tax breaks for the rich are a luxury we can't afford right now. (Dang, where's that other McArdle piece I saw that was similarly snakey?)
** Dana has [http://www.tnr.com/blog/the-plank/megan-mcardles-word-games this] from 2009
** Washington's Blog has [http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2009/08/you-cant-inflate-your-way-out-of-debt/22643/ this], also from 2009 -- seems reasonable...
** and [http://acandidworld.com/2010/12/27/diminishing-by-nickname-obamacare/ A Candid World] has [http://www.theatlantic.com/personal/archive/2010/12/questions-asked-and-answered/68224/ this], which does seem more snakey... [http://acandidworld.com/2010/12/16/the-limits-of-the-commerce-clause-whats-at-stake/ and] [http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/12/the-preposterousness-of-the-commerce-clause/68012/ another anti-Obamacare] piece.
* [http://we-need-a-free-and-open-social-network.wikispaces.com/Distributed+Social+Network+Projects Distributed Social Network Projects]
* '''2011-04-03''' [http://irevolution.net/2011/04/03/icts-limited-statehood/ Information and Communication Technology in Areas of Limited Statehood: A New Form of Governance?]
* [http://ideasproject.com/ IdeasProject]: this site could use a critique...
* http://www.dyndy.net/knowkunst-3/ - has some stuff about alt.money
* [http://wiki.thetransitioner.org/English TheTransitioner Wiki] has some interesting writings
* [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/building-a-distributed-decentralized-internet Google Groups: building a decentralized internet]
** [https://groups.google.com/d/topic/building-a-distributed-decentralized-internet/3k2wAnQJk6U/discussion Mutual credit money systems need the next net]
* '''2011-02-11''' [http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/feb/19/us-taxation-taxavoidance The real reason for public finance crisis]: more GE numbers
** '''2011-04-17''' [http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2011/04/us-uncut-stages-flashmob-at-bank-of-america-over-its-failure-to-pay-us-income-taxes.html US Uncut Stages Flashmob at Bank of America Over Its Failure to Pay US Income Taxes]: video, with commentary on above link
* '''2011-04-14''' [http://www.thenation.com/blog/159940/ge-demands-removal-hoax-website GE Demands Removal of Hoax Website]
* '''2011-04-14''' [http://www.dylanratigan.com/2011/01/14/is-china-really-funding-the-us-debt/ Is China Really Funding the US Debt?]
* [http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-april-13-2011/toemageddon-2011---this-little-piggy-went-to-hell Jon Stewart: Toemageddon] (also: distraction journalism, gender inequity)
* '''2011-04-07''' [http://www.zdnet.com/blog/btl/facebook-open-sources-its-server-data-center-designs-hardware-fallout-to-follow/47045 Facebook open sources its server, data center designs: Hardware fallout to follow]
* http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/When-Did-Girls-Start-Wearing-Pink.html
* [http://pastebin.com/E1KNkxYq consent] and abortion
* '''2011-04-07''' [http://minnesotaindependent.com/79959/franken-wants-wars-to-be-paid-for Franken wants wars to be paid for]
* [http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/federatedsocialweb/wiki/Projects open-source social networking projects]
** [http://www.noserub.com/download/ noserub]
* [http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:P2P_Infrastructure P2P Infrastructure] at the P2P Foundation wiki
* [http://werebuild.eu/wiki/Main_Page WeRebuild] is a decentralized cluster of net activists who have joined forces to collaborate on issues concerning access to a free Internet without intrusive surveillance.
* [http://www.newecohumanity.blogspot.com/ The New Economics For Humanity] (blog)
** [http://newecohumanity.blogspot.com/p/about-us.html about] sounds a bit woo-ish, but possible allies?
* [http://project.cyclos.org/ Project Cyclos]: open source complementary currency software
* [http://socialcompare.com/en SocialCompare]: crowdsourced comparison charts
** [http://socialcompare.com/en/comparison/alternative-currencies-monetary-systems comparison of alternative currency systems]
* '''2011-03-22''' [http://emergentbydesign.com/2011/03/22/10-projects-moving-us-towards-a-superfluid-economy/ 10 Projects Moving Us Towards a Superfluid Economy]
* [http://communityforge.net/faq CommunityForge]
* '''2011-02-22''' [http://emergentbydesign.com/2011/02/22/towards-a-distributed-internet/ Towards a Distributed Internet]
* [http://www.weusecoins.com/ BitCoin]
** [http://www.weusecoins.com/getting-started.php getting started]
* '''2011-04-06''' [http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/04/dems-find-message-discipline-against-gop-plan-to-scratch-medicare.php Dems Find Message Discipline Against GOP Plan To Scrap Medicare]
* '''2011-04-06''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/06/glenn-beck-to-transition-_n_845573.html Glenn Beck To 'Transition Off' Fox News Program]
* http://www.1-888-no-union.com/whattheywonttellyou.html - anti-union scare propaganda
* '''2011-03-23''' [http://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/sanctions-in-72-hours-how-the-us-pulled-off-a-major-freeze-of-libyan-assets/2011/03/11/ABBckxJB_story.html Sanctions in 72 hours: How the U.S. pulled off a major freeze of Libyan assets]
* http://bandcamp.com/
* '''2008-02-04''' [http://andersonadvocates.com/Posts/News-or-Event/354/Justice-Prossers-link-to-priest-case-as.aspx JUSTICE PROSSER'S LINK TO PRIEST CASE ASSAILED]
** This guy Prosser is apparently [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDpN2RaKn5s&feature=youtu.be running for office again] and has [http://twitter.com/#!/Conservativeind at least one supporter] who [http://twitter.com/#!/Conservativeind/status/54179332796596224 says] "Justice #Prosser has served #wi ppl as an honorable & excellent Justice for 12 years. VOTE #PROSSER April 5th #wiunion #tcot"
** '''2011-04-06''' Prosser lost, by a ridiculously narrow margin.
* '''2011-03-27''' [http://www.shorouknews.com/ContentData.aspx?id=417676 Pause lawyers in Alexandria, condemned the law criminalizing protest] (use Chrome to translate, post translation on Issuepedia)
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-f9ny8qYmOaqqRnsz8pLiIKcCHrihjAqRKHhOwPB7QQ/edit?hl=en&authkey=CKLXzdIF&pli=1# Open Source Ventures]
* '''2011-04-02''' [http://crooksandliars.com/karoli/thom-hartmann-tells-real-history-tea-party Thom Hartmann Tells the Real History of the Tea Party] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UiLZk2TE8k video source]
** http://www.archive.org/stream/retrospectofbost00hawk#page/n9/mode/2up - the book Hartman quotes
* '''2011-04-02''' [http://crooksandliars.com/matt-osborne/starring-joe-biden-dagny-taggart Rail Travel in America: Starring Joe Biden as Dagny Taggart]
** '''2011-03-03''' [http://cs.trains.com/TRCCS/forums/p/188504/2059127.aspx TRAINS exclusive: Amtrak police chief bars Transportation Security Administration from some security operations]
* '''2011-03-14''' [http://restructure.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/waterloo-misogynist-hates-scientist-marie-curie-women Misogynist activist at the University of Waterloo hates scientist Marie Curie and women] - I commented
* [http://www.whitehouse.gov/healthreform/myths-and-facts healthcare reform myths and facts] on whitehouse.gov
* [[wikipedia:Health insurance coverage in the United States]]: these numbers come up in arguments about Obamacare
* '''2011-03-23''' [http://www.heraldonline.com/2011/03/23/2932008/amidst-growing-world-doubts-about.html Amidst Growing World Doubts About 9/11, Career Army Officer Takes Bush Administration Officials to Court April 5th Represented by the Center for 9/11 Justice]
** '''2011-01-21''' [http://www.newcriterion.com/posts.cfm/Glenn-Beck--Why-do-they-hate-him-so--6435 Glenn Beck: Why do they hate him so?] by John Staddon, in response to Hitchens
* '''2011-03-24''' [http://www.leadertelegram.com/news/daily_updates/article_843ffc3e-565f-11e0-bd67-001cc4c03286.html Indiana prosecutor quits over e-mail sent to Walker]: yes, Virginia, false-flag operations do exist, even in the US (he was fired not for suggesting it, but because he got caught doing so)
* '''2011-03-26''' [http://rationalcounterpoint.blogspot.com/2011/03/wisconsin-anti-union-law-published.html Wisconsin Anti-Union Law Published Despite Court Order]
* '''2011-03-25''' [http://rationalcounterpoint.blogspot.com/2011/03/ges-back-room-deals.html G.Es Back-Room Deals]: GE's tax-dodgery
* '''2011-03-26''' [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12864353 Anti-cuts march: Tens of thousands at London protest]: apparently [[wikipedia:2011 anti-cuts protest in London|the same damn thing going on in UK]] - companies don't pay taxes, budget shortfall, government cuts vital services instead of going after companies.
* '''2011-03-22''' [http://www.technologyreview.com/energy/36982/?a=f Bug Creates Butanol Directly from Cellulose]: why can't we be spending more resources on this kind of thing instead of stupid stuff?
* '''2011-03-25''' [http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2011/03/25-1 Vt. House Passes Single-Payer Health Care Bill]: obviously they are insolent upstarts and need to be crushed under the iron but benevolent heel of the corporatocracy
* '''2009-04-06''' [http://factcheck.org/2009/04/cost-of-illegal-immigrants/ Cost of Illegal Immigrants] - a factcheck: "Do illegal immigrants cost $338.3 billion dollars a year? More than the Iraq war?"
* '''2011-03-24''' [http://factcheck.org/2011/03/is-obama-to-blame-for-4-gasoline/ Is Obama to Blame for $4 Gasoline?] No.
* http://www.adhdenvoeding.nl/cms/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Pelsser-The-Lancet-2011-Publication-INCA-study.pdf A restricted elimination diet (gluten free/casein free) had showed reduction of ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder symptoms in a significant number of children, and reintroduction of those foods showed significant relapse of symptoms.
* '''2011-03-24''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/25/world/africa/25libya.html Rebels Report Gains as Qaddafi Forces Pull Back]
* http://measureofdoubt.com/2011/03/23/morning-links-xkcd-and-free-will/ - I commented
* http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2011/03/journal-alternative-currencies.html -- another place I commented; another commenter came back with some useful legal guidelines
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQgVCj7q49o AE911Truth.org's - Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction-114min.]: includes a lot of key points and evidence to look up
* [https://convore.com/about/ Conivore]
* [http://freedomengineering.org/liberation-hackathon/ liberation hackathon] seems like the kind of event I should be attending...
* [http://gtk.php.net/download.php PHP-GTK]: really having a difficult time getting this to compile
* write issuepedia page for [[issuepedia:social disability|social disability]], link to [[phone phobia]] and [[social anxiety]] and anything else I can think of
* http://onfaith.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/panelists/daniel_c_dennett/2010/03/skeptical_clergy_a_silent_majority.html -- apparently a text version of Dennett's study of atheist clergy
* '''2011-03-17''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/18/world/africa/18nations.html U.N. Approves Airstrikes to Halt Attacks by Qaddafi Forces]
* '''2011-03-16''' [http://act.demandprogress.org/act/tsacongress/ Congress Investigates TSA This Week: Tell Them To Ban The Airport Scanners!] - petition, link to more info
* '''2011-03-02''' [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At-Cfl538Gg Wisconsin Republicans Getting Desperate. Is the End in Sight?] - Rachel Maddow (guess I'd better save this)
* [http://www.w3schools.com/html5/default.asp HTML5 tutorial]
* [http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/psywar/ PsyWar]: propaganda and consumerism vs. democracy
For development of law scraper:
* [http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/Statutes/StatutesTOC.pl North Carolina General Statutes]
** [http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/Statutes/StatutesTOC.pl?Chapter=0001 Chapter 1: Civil Procedure]
*** The actual text is available both for individual sections and the whole chapter. I'm inclined to put each section on a separate wiki page but display them together by default, with links to each section. Each section would have a link back to the source, as would the chapter. Maybe there should also be a "compare" link so regular users can tell if the text has changed since it was last scraped.
* '''2011-03-04''' [http://vimeo.com/20355767 Lifting the Veil] - ouch
* http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/14/bank-of-america-anonymous-leak-mortgage_n_835220.html
* http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2003/03/caring-for-your-introvert/2696
* '''2011-02-07''' [http://lettersfromtitan.com/2011/02/07/what-the-grocery-toll-is-really-indicative-of/ queer rage and the grocery toll]
* '''2011-02-19''' [http://pervocracy.blogspot.com/2011/02/gender.html Gender?] (and this one too)
* '''2011-02-20''' [http://pervocracy.blogspot.com/2011/02/why-i-didnt-have-abortion.html Why I didn't have an abortion.]
* '''2011-02-07''' [http://pervocracy.blogspot.com/2011/02/broccoli-morality.html Broccoli Morality.]
* '''2011-03-12''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/12/wisconsin-protesters-refu_n_834927.html Wisconsin Protesters Refuse To Quit]
* '''2011-03-13''' [http://thinkprogress.org/2011/03/13/main-street-bigger-than-tea-party/ Madison Rally Bigger Than Biggest Tea Party Rally]
* '''2010-06-28''' [http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-bush-policies-deficits-2010-6 CHART OF THE DAY: Reminder, The Deficit You're Freaking Out About Is Bush's Fault]
* http://www.viceland.com/wp/2011/03/tsunami-vs-pearl-harbor/
** [http://i.imgur.com/9TdeY.jpg idiots give their opinions] ([http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/upload/2011/03/i_hope_these_people_arent_your/GodBlessAmerica.php reposted on Pharyngula])
*** [http://i.imgur.com/AHitW.jpg an appropriate response]
* http://rockbeyondbelief.com/2011/03/10/foxhole-atheist-organizer-on-talk-radio-taking-the-heat/
* '''2011-03-09''' [http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/26488/ Why Randomly-Selected Politicians Would Improve Democracy]: apparently almost anything is an improvement over the current system
* '''2011-03-09''' [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12694266 Hague fury as 'Iranian arms' bound for Taliban seized]: were they really Iranian, or planted by the US as a pretext for war on Iran? Will the Hague give details on their evidence? Will Iran deny ownership?
* '''2011-02-24''' [http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2011/02/your-regular-but-unscheduled-reminder.html Your Regular But Unscheduled Reminder That Representative Anthony Weiner Rules]
* [[wikipedia:agnotology]]
* '''2010-09-08''' [http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/09/08/900191/-Republicans-Want-Our-Economy-to-Fail Republicans Want Our Economy to Fail]
* http://www.pcliquidations.com/p6546-dell-gx-740-optiplex
* '''2011-03-01''' [http://www.readersupportednews.org/opinion2/276-74/5123-fox-news-lies-keep-them-out-of-canada Fox News' Lies Keep Them Out of Canada]
* '''2011-03-01''' [http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/mar/01/wisconsin-public-finance The hollowing-out of Wisconsin]
* '''2011-03-07''' [http://firedoglake.com/2011/03/07/egyptian-activists-attacked-while-trying-to-expose-secret-police-documents/ Egyptian Activists Attacked While Trying to Expose Secret Police Documents]
* '''2011-03-05''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-moore/america-is-not-broke_b_832006.html America Is Not Broke]: Speech delivered by Michael Moore at Wisconsin Capitol in Madison, March 5, 2011
* '''2011-03-07''' [http://firedoglake.com/2011/03/07/claim-of-return-for-wisconsin-state-senators-debunked/ Claim of Return for Wisconsin State Senators Debunked]
* '''2011-02-28''' [http://www.tennessean.com/article/20110228/LIFE01/102280310/2275/RSS05 It's not as Easy without the bulb]: talking-point: "EPA killed the EZ-Bake Oven" -- but why can't they use full-spectrum bulbs instead?
* '''2011-03-07''' [http://maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/03/07/6212301-i-hope-you-are-enjoying-your-vacation-and-your-vacation-from-reality 'I hope you are enjoying your vacation, and your vacation from reality.'] letter from Republican Wisconsin State Senator Scott Fitzgerald to his Democratic counterpart, Mark Miller
* '''2011-03-07''' [http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/santorum-obama-will-eviscerate-freedom-supporting-gay-rights "Eviscerate" Freedom By Supporting Gay Rights]: Rick Santorum
* '''2011-03-07''' [http://maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/03/07/6210791-austan-goolsbee-wins-the-future Austan Goolsbee wins the future] "Congress has diverted some $800 million in fees from the U.S. Patent Office -- it's broke and behind in reviewing applications. Big companies like it that way, because it keeps the smaller fry from growing."
* '''2011-03-07''' [http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/03/20113723758787883.html Libya braces for prolonged conflict]
* [http://nymag.com/news/features/67285/index2.html The Billionaire's Party]: feature on the Koch brothers; date uncertain, first comment is dated "about a week ago"
* '''animal intelligence''':
** '''2011-01-16''' [http://xtricks.dreamwidth.org/65129.html Science is Cool: bird brains and giggling rats]: several videos
** '''1996-01-18''' [http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v379/n6562/abs/379249a0.html Manufacture and use of hook-tools by New Caledonian crows]
** '''2002-08-08''' [http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/08/0808_020808_crow.html Crow Makes Wire Hook to Get Food]
** '''2011-02-28''' [http://www.cracked.com/article_19042_6-terrifying-ways-crows-are-way-smarter-than-you-think.html 6 Terrifying Ways Crows Are Way Smarter Than You Think]
* '''2011-03-05''' [http://news.yahoo.com/s/digitaltrends/nasascientistfindsevidenceofalienlife NASA scientist finds evidence of alien life]
** '''2011-03-06''' [http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2011/03/did_scientists_discover_bacter.php Did scientists discover bacteria in meteorites?]: sadly, no.
* '''2011-03-06''' [http://freakoutnation.com/2011/03/05/thousands-of-farmers-to-descend-on-wi-capitol-with-their-tractors/ Thousands Of Farmers To Descend On WI Capitol With Their Tractors]: the Wisconsin situation continues to escalate
* '''2011-01-03''' [http://www.addictinginfo.org/?p=284 Bills Republicans Have Blocked]: for all the complaints about how "the Democrats are just as corrupt as the GOP", here's a list of positive legislation the Dems have proposed -- and the GOP blocked
* '''2011-03-01''' [http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/life/why-women-really-are-better-at-almost-everything-q-a-with-author-dan-abrams-2460114/ Why women really are better at almost everything: Q&A with author Dan Abrams]
* http://movetoamend.org/thank-you -- petition to amend the constitution to undo Citizens United (this page has web banners)
* '''2011-02-27''' [http://dane101.com/government/2011/02/27/i_want_my_party_back I want my party back]
* '''2011-03-03''' [http://dane101.com/current/2011/03/03/jorgensen_bad_news_in_the_good_fight Jorgensen: Bad News in the Good Fight]
* '''2011-02-28''' [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704409004576146061231899264.html A Window Into the Nuclear Future]
* '''2011-01-12''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/12/evangelical-christianity-_n_807635.html Evangelical Christianity Disproportionately Represented By Military Chaplains]
* '''2011-03-02''' [http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/03/02-14 The Phony Budget Crisis: Forget Austerity, Tax the Rich]
* '''2011-03-03''' [http://consumerist.com/2011/03/could-backscatter-scanners-be-coming-to-city-streets.html Could Backscatter Scanners Be Coming To City Streets?]
* http://beta.broadcastr.com/
* http://googlevoiceblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/port-your-existing-mobile-number-to.html -- apparent problems:
** it has to be a mobile phone number
** it replaces your existing Google Voice number
* http://krylyr.livejournal.com/266968.html -- they probably won't still be looking, by the time I'm ready to do anything
* '''2011-02-26''' [http://inanities.org/2011/02/news-feed-the-egyptian-people-is-now-single/ The Egyptian Army is now single]
* http://nookdevs.com/Main_Page -- apparently the Nook can be rooted and used as a tablet PC
* '''2011-03-03''' [http://www.armycourtmartialdefense.info/2011/03/confinement-conditions-worsen.html PFC Manning Forced to Strip Naked]
* '''2011-02-25''' [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/02/25/whistleblowers The DOJ's creeping war on whistle-blowers]
** '''2011-03-05''' [http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/03/05/manning/index.html Bradley Manning's forced nudity to occur daily]
* '''2011-03-04''' [http://www.ted.com/talks/wael_ghonim_inside_the_egyptian_revolution.html Wael Ghonim: Inside the Egyptian revolution] (date is when video was first found)
* http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/02/roger-ailes-to-be-indicted/
* http://front.moveon.org/the-entire-abortion-debate-in-two-signs/
* http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/liberal
* sale of public assets:
** '''2011-02-09''' [http://www.bollier.org/privatization-run-amok Privatization Run Amok]
** '''2011-02-26''' [http://www.bostonherald.com/business/general/view.bg?articleid=1318991&position=0 State sitting on big assets]: presents trend in positive terms, claims Niall Ferguson endorses it
* '''2011-02-24''' [http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2011_02/028158.php EXPANDING 'JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE' EFFORTS]
* '''2011-02-24''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/25/opinion/25krugman.html?ref=paulkrugman Shock Doctrine, U.S.A.]
* '''2009-04-19''' [http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/4/19/721983/-How-Regulation-came-to-be:-Red-Moon-Rising How Regulation came to be: Red Moon Rising]
* '''2009-06-28''' [http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/6/28/746913/-DK-GreenRootsHow-Regulation-came-to-be:-Donora DK GreenRoots - How Regulation came to be: Donora]
* '''2011-02-13''' [http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/02/13/943569/-How-regulation-came-to-be:-Filling-it-up-with-Ethyl How regulation came to be: Filling it up with Ethyl]
* '''2011-02-24''' [http://www.businessinsider.com/google-declares-war-on-content-farms-including-demand-media-2011-2 Google Announces Massive Algorithm Change, Declares War On Content Farms, Including Demand Media]
* '''2011-02-24''' [http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/meast/02/24/egypt.women.optimism.harassment/index.html Revolution signals new dawn for Egypt's women]
* '''2011-02-25''' [http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/02/24/libya.mustard.gas/index.html?hpt=T1 Libyan chaos raises worries over chemical weapons stockpile]
* '''2011-02-24''' [http://www.splicetoday.com/writing/to-see-through-the-deceit To See Through the Deceit] "My intellectual journey from libertarianism to classical liberalism"
* '''2011-02-18''' [http://www.splicetoday.com/writing/bernie-madoff-and-the-door-of-truth Bernie Madoff and the Door of Truth]
* '''2011-02-24''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/25/world/africa/25libya.html Qaddafi Strikes Back as Rebels Close In on Libyan Capital]
* '''2011-02-18''' [http://www.mercurynews.com/peninsula/ci_17423970 Bay Area Rep. Jackie Speier stuns House colleagues with story of her abortion] (text and video)
* '''2011-02-22''' [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/02/22/AR2011022203412.html Wisconsin - it's about democracy]
* '''2011-02-22''' [http://thinkprogress.org/2011/02/22/wisconsin-protest-internet/ Is Scott Walker Cutting Off Internet Access To Thwart Protesters?]
* http://www.thecomputercellar.com/ [http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Computer-Cellar-at-9th-Street/160025817365844 Facebook]
* http://www.ted.com/conversations/ideas/added
** [http://www.ted.com/conversations/404/an_alternative_form_of_represe.html An alternative form of representation in a legislative body based on our interests and how we engage with the community.]: a concept discussed elsewhere as "virtual districting" [[OSLT]]; nobody seems to be commenting on this one
** '''2011-02-16''' [http://mashable.com/2011/02/16/ted-conversations/ TED Launches Quora-Like Platform for Intelligent Discussion]
* '''2011-02-11''' [http://globalvoicesonline.org/2011/02/11/tunisia-slim-amamou-speaks-about-tunisia-egypt-and-the-arab-world/ Tunisia: Slim Amamou Speaks About Tunisia, Egypt and the Arab World] - and the use of the internet as a tool for change, and how real revolutionaries view citizenship
* '''2011-02-11''' [http://www.balloon-juice.com/2011/02/11/conservative-science-yur-doin-it-rong/ Conservative Science: Yur Doon It Rong]: why US Conservatism is innately at odds with science
* '''2010-07-12''' [http://surprisinglyfree.com/2010/07/12/catherine-white-on-the-noisy-idiot-dilemma/ Catherine White on the Noisy Idiot Dilemma]: slightly different take on trolling and related phenomena. Not sure how useful this is, but I know if I don't save the link, I'll be looking for it 3 days from now.
* http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/02/christians-protect-muslims-as-they-pray-in-egypt/ -- haven't read this, but seems worth collecting
* http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/feb/04/radical-islam-united-states-independence - also haven't read, but it's apparently Noam Chomsky's take on Egypt and WikiLeaks
** Brin [http://davidbrin.blogspot.com/2011/01/state-of-union-things-obama-did-not.html?showComment=1296866689134#c7375074953137952050 says]: "Chomsky's response, to point to military aid, is complete bait & switch, apples & oranges. Of course realpolitik affects many actions. The military aid he refers to was already openly known, It does not diminish the bald fact that the SECRET communications of the US State Department were mostly benign and more often admirable than anybody expected."
* [[wikipedia:Solar storm of 1859]] aka the "Carrington Event" -- these occur roughly every 500 years, and some people worry that such an event now would have effects similar to a nuclear war: "A Carrington Event would likely wipe out much of modern civilization and the majority of the world's urban population would likely die." [http://davidbrin.blogspot.com/2011/01/state-of-union-things-obama-did-not.html?showComment=1296858441940#c3635509247743307061 comment] on Contrary Brin
* '''2011-02-04''' [http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2011_02_04/caredit.a1100011 In Person: Falling Off the Ladder: How Not to Succeed in Academia]
* '''2011-02-15''' [http://www.southernstudies.org/2011/02/voices-a-plan-for-uaw-success-in-the-south.html VOICES: A plan for UAW success in the South]
* http://www.ntu.org/tax-basics/is-the-income-tax-truly.html
* http://www.lumiram.com/index.php - company that carries full-spectrum bulbs, among other things. They do wholesale.
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO0sCs8jI4k Asimov on the Greenhouse Effect, global environmentalism, and the need for world government (did I already file this?)
* [http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1669637 Jury 2.0]
* http://www.futurepundit.com/archives/007911.html -- debate about space elevators vs. laser-driven rockets; we agree on the short-term conclusion, but the others in the dialogue seem to be overlooking a lot of important considerations and focusing in on just the one about radiation, which is really kind of trivial and has multiple solutions.
* [http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/17/us-bahrain-saudi-idUSTRE71G4JJ20110217 Analysis: Saudi Arabia, jolted by Egypt, now alarmed by Bahrain]
* http://twitter.com/#!/nprnews/egypt2011
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/the-lay-scientist/2010/sep/24/1 This is a news website article about a scientific paper]: satire of science reporting
* http://www.lewrockwell.com/margolis/margolis225.html - some statements about US-Egypt relations
** Brin adds "While I am no fan of Mubarak and I agree he ran a kleptocracy... hence my call for a "helvetian" style "war" to recover stolen funds......nevertheless, [the Margolis article] is filled will exaggerations, misleading conclusions and things that are flat-out wrong. Oh, I don't mind reading it as a point of view. But gospel it ain't."
* http://www.cellaenergy.com/ -- room-temperature storage for hydrogen using nanomaterials
** http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-01-hydrogen-storage-material-added-fuel.html
** '''2011-03-28''' [http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2011-03/28/artificial-leaf MIT's artificial leaf is ten times more efficient than the real thing]: and here's the other piece of the puzzle. Sunlight + water + artificial leaf = oxygen + hydrogen
** '''2011-03-28''' [http://www.technewsworld.com/story/Power-Plant-One-Small-Leaf-Could-Electrify an-Entire-Home-72156.html?wlc=1304811209 Power Plant: One Small Leaf Could Electrify an Entire Home]
* http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2011/02/01/jordan-king-abdullah-government.html
* http://entequilaesverdad.blogspot.com/2011/02/its-matter-of-life-and-death.html - brief tussle with Cujo359
* http://laeknishendr.wordpress.com/2010/10/18/gene-simmons-vs-anonymous/ - Gene Simmons vs. Anonymous
* '''2010-12-08''' [http://c4ss.org/content/5309 The Thin Black Line] at the Center for a Stateless Society, which is also worth looking into
* '''2010-08-08''' [http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2010/08/08/unemployed-21st-century-draft-horse/ unemployed = 21st century draft horse?] -- also related to pay-walled WSJ article
* http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2011/02/three_cheers_for_ron_paul.php has a good list of Obama's ''actual'' sins
* '''2011-02-14''' [http://perrystreetpalace.wordpress.com/2011/02/14/promising-new-research-hints-at-possible-treatment-for-conservative-personality-disorder/ Promising new research hints at possible treatment for Conservative Personality Disorder]: brilliant and informed
* http://blisstree.com/live/boobquake-rally-photo-of-the-day/ -- best Boobquake foto evar
* http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2011/02/being_smart_without_a_license.php - commentary on the "practicing traffic engineering without a license" story which was also reported in IndyWeek
* [http://twitter.com/#!/nprnews/egypt2011 Twitter: NPR: Egypt coverage]
* http://www.heraldsun.com/view/full_story/10743598/article-The-Sun-Trust-firing-story?instance=main_article - SunTrust makes it difficult for their employees to seek public office
** also in [http://chathamcountyline.org/pdfs/CCL.feb11.web.pdf Chatham County Line] (PDF - complete issue with other stories)
* [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sam-harris/a-response-to-critics_b_815742.html Sam Harris: A Response to Critics]
details of the chemical/physical evidence for demolition
* http://www.ladyada.net/products/microtouch/ - might be useful as an open-source PDA-type thing. No apparent audio, however.
* http://www.ethosthemovie.com/filmdownload.html - show to Swinger. I disagree with the final conclusion, at least without a layer of coordination; personal experience has proved that "responsible buying" as an individual makes no difference at all, or at least doesn't make enough difference to offset the accelerating pace of damage.
* http://werebuild.eu/wiki/Main_Page -- internet activism
* http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2011/01/egypt-how-to-lead-and-open-source-protest.html#comment-6a00d83451576d69e20148c836069e970c -- I commented
* http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41312925/ns/msnbc_tv-the_ed_show/ Social Security is only in trouble because Republicans have targeted it
* http://boxcar2d.com/ - genetic algorithm evolves a simplified 2-dimensional car
* http://scienceblogs.com/observations/2011/01/ive_never_been_very_good_at_hi.php -- very similar observation to the one at Gabby's Playhouse, so I posted the link...
** http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/01/hey-you-men-who-yell-nice-tits-stfu/# -- an agreement, from a Man-person
* http://www.bullcityrising.com/2011/01/dps-settlement-590000-to-three-charter-schools-healthy-start-kestrel-heights-apparently-still-pendin/comments/page/2/#comments - much debate about charter schools and CPSC in particular
* http://open.salon.com/blog/david_brin/2011/01/27/things_obama_did_not_have_to_say_-_but_said_anyway -- why doesn't Brin crosslink to these from Blogger?
* http://www.boingboing.net/2011/01/28/ayn-rand-took-govern.html
* http://www.esquire.com/features/roger-ailes-0211
* '''possible employement''' (in Durham, downtown):
** http://www.netfriends.com/services/development/
** http://www.scimedsolutions.com/employment-opportunities
* http://techpresident.com/blog-entry/whats-actually-about-obamas-online-id-cdts-aaron-brauer-rieke-explains
* http://acandidworld.com/2011/01/20/two-vignettes-on-abortion-minimizing-dredd-scott-moral-doubt-and-moderation/#comment-22488 -- more dialogue with Mike (including baiting -- at least his 3rd attempt)
** [[wikipedia:Flexible spending account|FSA]] (Mike was fussing about this changing in some bad way)
* '''Job hunting''':
** [http://www.linkedin.com/jsearch/sh?keywords=mysql+php&searchLocationType=I&countryCode=us&postalCode=27705&distance=50&keepFacets=keepFacets&pplSearchOrigin=MDYS&sortCriteria=R LinkedIn: PHP/MySQL search]
** [http://www.cybercoders.com/job-search/ CyberCoders] (no search terms)
* http://acandidworld.com/2011/01/12/the-gops-greatest-hits-2008-2010/#comment-22414
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/weekinreview/16chang.html How Plate Tectonics Became Accepted Science]: "conspiracy theories" aren't the only type of theory that isn't accepted seriously
* [http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/01/twitter/ Twitter's Response to WikiLeaks Subpoena Should Be the Industry Standard]
* http://preyproject.com/ -- free software for tracking stolen computing devices. Available in Linux.
* [http://www.lendingclub.com/public/how-peer-lending-works.action LendingClub]: peer to peer loans
* [http://www.recyclebank.com/earn RecycleBank]: is this useful, or just distractivism? How does it make money?
* '''2011 MLK domestic terrorism incident''':
** '''2011-01-18''' [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41139894/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/ FBI: Bomb found on MLK march route]
* '''2011-01-18''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/18/science/18dog.html Sit. Stay. Parse. Good Girl!]: Alliston Reid mentioned on p.2
* http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/01/group-demands-doj-probe-citizens-united/
* PayPal alternatives:
** [http://www.alertpay.com/ AlertPay]
** Revolution MoneyExchange (not accepting new accounts at the moment)
** discontinued:
*** [[wikipedia:StormPay]]: had issues; no longer handles external payments
* [http://www.warisbusiness.com/ War Is Business]
* '''2011-01-11''' [http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/01/12/914486/the-case-for-mental-health.html The case for mental health]
* '''2009-07-14''' [http://loveandliberty.blogspot.com/2009/07/how-doctor-who-made-me-liberal.html How ''Doctor Who'' Made Me A Liberal]
* '''2011-01-11''' [http://epiphenom.fieldofscience.com/2011/01/rant-on-evolution-of-religion.html A rant on the evolution of religion] "We have mental biases, that make us want to do certain things. We make culture, and we make culture that appeals to and works with our mental biases."
* [http://opentrademark.com/welcome.html OpenTradeMark]: rather poorly-written post with some interesting facts... and using the term "open trademark", which I wanted to use... need to figure out if they're talking about the same thing.
* [[wikipedia:Asset-based community development]] "The first step in the process of community development is to assess the resources of a community ... to determine what types of skills and experience are available to a community organization. The next step is to consult with the community and find out what improvements the residents would like to make. The final step is to determine how the residents' skills can be leveraged into achieving those goals."
* '''Healthcare Reform''' (and the attempts to repeal it):
** [[wikipedia:Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act]], aka Obamacare
*** [[wikipedia:Congressional Budget Office]]
** [[wikipedia:Universal health care]] "The Congressional Budget Office and related government agencies scored the cost of a universal health care system several times since 1991, and have uniformly predicted cost savings,[24] probably because of the 40% cost savings associated with universal preventative care[25] and elimination of insurance company overhead costs."
** [[wikipedia:United States National Health Care Act]] (establishing that Americans want universal single-payer)
*** "Between 2003 to 2009, 17 opinion polls showed that the majority of Americans supported a single-payer system.[23] These polls are from sources such as CNN,[24] AP-Yahoo,[25][26] Quinnipiac,[27] New York Times/CBS News Poll,[28][29] Washington Post/ABC News Poll,[30] Kaiser Family Foundation[31] and the Civil Society Institute.[32] .. In October 2003, a Washington Post poll found that 62% supported "a universal health insurance program, in which everyone is covered under a program like Medicare that's run by the government and financed by taxpayers."[23] A poll of practicing physicians in Massachusetts published by the American Medical Association (AMA) found that 55.7% of AMA members and 66.8% of non-members preferred "single payer" as a basis for reform over the other alternatives offered of "managed care" and "fee for service". Overall support for single payer was 63.5% compared to 25.8% for fee for service and 10.7% for managed care"
* http://www.waiariki.ac.nz/course.asp?course_id=148 university-level course on homeopathy. Has PZ Myers commented?
* http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-klein/2011/01/if_you_read_only_one_john_kerr.html had some interesting history in it, I think...
* '''Ripple, etc.''': didn't I already save these links? tabs were still open...
** http://ripple-project.org/Main/Implementations
** http://ripplepay.com/faq/
** http://ripplepay.com/essay/
** http://www.gmlets.u-net.com/faq.html#section1
** http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/
* http://www.google.com/intl/en/jobs/joininggoogle/resume/index.html -- what Google says about submitting a resume
* '''Giffords shooting''':
** http://voices.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2011/01/gunsights_or_surveyor_symbols.html
* http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/terrorists_spies/assassins/booth/11.html -- alleges that Mary Surratt, the owner of the boarding house where Wilkes and his conspirators often met, was hanged as a co-conspirator on perjured evidence
* http://oauth.net/ An open protocol to allow secure API authorization in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.
* LMMS 0.4:
** [http://lmms.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/0.4:Getting_Started Getting Started]
** [http://lmms.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/0.4:Working_with_Automation Working with Automation]
** [http://lmms.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/0.4:Tool_Bar Tool Bar]
** [http://lmms.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/0.4:Piano_Roll_Editor Piano Roll Editor]
* '''Giffords shooting''':
** http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/01/tea-party-group-blames-leftist-for-giffords-shooting/69153/
** http://digbysblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/inscrutable-writing.html
* http://technolog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/01/07/5787913-baby-swinging-video-freaks-out-parents-the-internet -- is there evidence that baby-swinging is harmful? (The tossing-onto-a-sheet in India seems a bit dubious, unless the sheet-bearers are careful to raise the sheet up to meet the baby -- to minimize neck-trauma)
* '''Ableism''':
** http://disabledfeminists.com/2010/05/17/guest-post-from-rmj-ableist-word-profile-crazy/
** http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2010/04/30/blogging-against-disablism-day-addressing-ableist-language/
* http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12012082 - world simulation
* http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Elmo%27s_Diner_in_Durham -- pictures of Elmo's (who knew?)
* http://lab.dyne.org/Netsukuku
* http://blog.theconnective.net/
** http://blog.theconnective.net/post/1627926717/what-if-the-last-mile-of-the-internet-became-the
* http://www.shareable.net/blog/the-next-net "The moment the "net neutrality" debate began was the moment the net neutrality debate was lost."
* http://www.shareable.net/blog/attack-of-the-enclosure-trolls "George Monbiot suggests ... that what appear as isolated if not uncommon cyber malcontents are at least some of the time a paid group of virtual henchpeople in the employ of major corporations or even governments themselves."
* http://thinkupapp.com/ -- try installing this! (DONE - setting up feeds)
* http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2011/01/it_really_has_been_a_consisten.php -- Isaac Asimov has never flip-flopped on global warming
* http://p2pfoundation.net/The_Foundation_for_P2P_Alternatives
* http://geekfeminism.org/2011/01/06/quick-hit-getting-too-close-to-power/
** http://tigerbeatdown.com/2011/01/06/why-i-didnt-delete-tiger-beatdown/
*** http://bitchmagazine.org/article/from-the-archive-wack-attack
* http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/01/bill-oreilly-claims-explain-oceanic-tides/
* http://www.slideshare.net/terriko/how-does-biology-explain-the-low-numbers-of-women-in-cs-hint-it-doesnt
* [http://kitchenertruth.blogspot.com/ Kitchener Truth]
** '''2011-01-03''' [http://kitchenertruth.blogspot.com/2011/01/psychological-implications-of-911-by_03.html The Psychological Implications of 9/11 by Laurie Manwell]
* [http://statecrimesagainstdemocracy.blogspot.com/ State Crimes Against Democracy]
* [http://www.kuro5hin.org/comments/2001/3/30/4410/84525/72#72 Pleasure, Affection, Cause and Effect] (republication)
* http://www.geekbuddy.com/
* http://blog.joindiaspora.com/2010/11/23/private-alpha-released.html - Diaspora blog - where I was reading
* http://bookmaniac.org/women-in-tech-for-younger-women/ - somewhat dated (some links are bad)
* http://makerhouse.com/
* http://www.williamyaeger.com/How-Much-Does-It-Cost-To-File.31.0.html
* http://acandidworld.com/2010/12/11/republican-cognitive-dissonance-on-full-display/ -- a dialogue with Mike and others
* http://bailout.propublica.org/list
* http://www.libertylounge.net/forums/political-news/52836-social-security-start-cashing-uncle-sams-ious.html
* http://bookmaniac.org/feminism-assange-rape-charges-free-speech-and-wikileaks/
* http://bigthink.com/ideas/25295
* http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sam-harris/a-new-years-resolution-fo_b_802480.html - Harris is rich by the standards of much of America, and thinks he and other rich people should pay more taxes -- or else start philanthropic enterprises to help people directly
* http://tier5.webs.com/apps/forums/topics/show/3281698-prison-dorms-for-welfare-recipients-and-99ers?next --paranoia?
* [http://www.facebook.com/leahlovesmatis?v=wall Leah Steece] - politically interesting person on FB
* [http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=138859386168520 The true nature of Government: It's all a fiction.] - a conspiracy theory with some points of intersection with reality
* http://republicfortheunitedstates.org/ - scam?
* http://www.blogher.com/sexual-harassment-adult-bullying-and-its-alive-and-well -- yes
* http://davidbrin.blogspot.com/2010/12/future-of-media-or-ill-be-on-colbert.html -- add to my collection of places I have commented (also: "Fox populi" could be a useful phrase)
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/27/AR2010122703379.html?hpid=topnews Tests of 'Roe' more frequent since justices upheld late-term abortion ban in '07]
* [http://www.becker-posner-blog.com/2010/12/the-tax-and-spending-compromise-becker.html The Tax and Spending Compromise-Becker]: makes some assertions of which I am highly suspicious. Are these guys neocons at all? Hosted on same server as Lessig's stuff.
* [http://scienceblogs.com/thepumphandle/2010/12/nebraska_appleseed_in_the_shoe.php Nebraska Appleseed in the Shoes of Upton Sinclair]: I made a pro-transparency suggestion here; see if it gets any response...
* http://www.theatlantic.com/search/?sort=time&source=magazine&q=chinese+professor -- multiple posts about the "Chinese professor" ad
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/25/AR2010122501062_3.html Facebook, PayPal tycoon embraces sci-fi future]: Seasteading and other libertarian quasi-philanthropy
* http://awesome.olin.edu/olin/about_us.htm -- interesting definitions of "awesome"
* [http://www.businessinsider.com/property-taxes-and-munis-2010-12 The Huge Threat To Muni Finances That Hardly Anyone Is Talking About Yet]
* [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/transport/8113973/Channel-Tunnel-rail-link-sale-begins-UKs-big-sell-off.html Channel Tunnel rail link sale begins UK's big sell off]: so it's not just the US. Who is ''buying'' all this stuff??
* http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2010/11/22/hack_list_30/index.html - 30 hack journalists to be filed
* http://www.politicususa.com/en/foreign-sarah-palin-traitor
* http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/notrocketscience/2010/11/25/15-minute-writing-exercise-closes-the-gender-gap-in-university-level-physics/
* http://depts.washington.edu/exposure/
** http://depts.washington.edu/exposure/obtain_the_article.html
** http://uwnews.org/article.asp?articleID=60962
* http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2010/12/the-danger-of-cosmic-genius/8306
* http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-20023918-93.html
* http://www.ruwart.com/Healing/ruwart_all.html - compassionate libertarianism
* http://singularityhub.com/2010/11/21/man-sells-virtual-real-estate-in-online-game-for-635000-wtf-video/
* http://physicsandcake.wordpress.com/
* [http://www.pgpi.org/doc/pgpintro/ How PGP Works]
* http://www.earth4energy.com/ - is this legit? Claims you can make your own solar panels
* http://cultureconductor.com/ - building social networking communities
* [http://www.gabbysplayhouse.com/?p=1444&cpage=4#comment-2355 How We Betray Our Gender]
* [http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2010/09/say-goodbye-to-sunspots.html Say Goodbye to Sunspots?]
* [http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2010/11/completely-new-economies-as-a-software-service.html#comment-6a00d83451576d69e2013488c4508e970c COMPLETELY NEW ECONOMIES AS A SOFTWARE SERVICE]: I made a comment, but nobody responded
** [http://econlog.econlib.org/archives/2010/05/virtual_federal.html# Virtual Federalism]
* '''1994-11''' [http://www.indyweek.com/indyweek/weve-seen-this-movie-before-1994-revisited/Content?oid=1775548 We've seen this movie before: 1994 revisited] by Hal Crowther (reprint)
* [http://www.indyweek.com/indyweek/election-2010-missed-chances-dim-hopes/Content?oid=1786126 Election 2010: Missed chances, dim hopes] by Bob Geary
* [http://entequilaesverdad.blogspot.com/2010/11/what-he-said-and-other-political.html What He Said and Other Political Nonsense]: possibly useful reply from george w.
* [http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/012705.html Plagiarism and the mechanics of privilege]
* [http://www.openleft.com/diary/20824/the-details-are-worse The details are worse]
* [http://www.slate.com/id/2268000/pagenum/all Confessions of a Used-Book Salesman]
* [http://blogs.whatissustainability.org/ Appropedia Dev Blog]
* [http://www.refurbups.com/ RefurbUPS]: refurbished UPSs
* [http://pubit.barnesandnoble.com/pubit_app/bn?t=support&sourceid=L000001469&cm_em=harena@ownedbycats.org&cm_mmc=Other-_-Misc-_-101006_MI01_PUBIT_ROLLOUT-_-proothfaq pubIT]
* [http://smartercities.nrdc.org/city-stories/global-cities/exporting-love-bicycling-part-1-Utrecht CityStories / Global Cities / Exporting the Love of Bicycling, Part 1: Utrecht]
* [http://blog.xmarks.com/?p=1886 End of the Road for Xmarks]
* [http://www.benkler.org/CoasesPenguin.html Coase's Penguin, or Linux and the Nature of the Firm]
* [http://www.pcworld.com/article/203732-3/technologys_biggest_myths.html Technology's Biggest Myths]
* [http://kdsorceress.livejournal.com/542444.html I kissed a girl because I legitimately like kissing girls (and I liked it!)]
* [http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/348857/Faulty_McAfee_Update_Burns_IT_Execs?source=rss_news Faulty McAfee update burns IT execs]
* [http://notch.tumblr.com/post/1121596044/how-piracy-works The Word of Notch: How piracy works]
* [http://www.downtowndurhamstartups.com/content/durham+startup+directory/8880 Downtown Durham Startups]
* [http://www.shoeboxed.com/overview/ Shoeboxed.com]
* [http://bullcityforward.org/overview/ Bull City Forward]: social enterprises in Durham
* [http://www.kurzweilai.net/gambling-on-bacteria?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Gambling on Bacteria]
* [http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2982917/Who-painted-the-Dr-in-a-cave-in-5000BC.html?ref=nf Who Painted The Doctor -- in a Cave in 5000 BC?]: it doesn't really look like the TARDIS, but it doesn't exactly look like anything I'd expect to see in a North American civilization 7000 years ago.
* [http://shiokku.dreamwidth.org/363.html Security Issues and Suspect Staff at Livejournal]
* [http://www.zug.com/pranks/verizon/index.html How Easy Is It To Get the Private Cell Phone Records and Address of Verizon's CEO?]
* [http://www.possibilitiesendless.com/?p=402 Readers Beware]: blogging vs. science
* [http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/10/how-writers-can-turn-their-archives-into-ebooks/64451/ How Writers Can Turn Their Archives into eBooks]
* [http://scienceblogs.com/erv/2010/10/vivisectiongate.php Vivisectiongate]
* [http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/10/who-is-john-raese-businessman-long-time-candidate----and-maybe-the-next-senator-from-west-virginia.php Meet John Raese: Wealthy Businessman, Frequent Candidate -- And Maybe Robert Byrd's Replacement]
* [http://www.politicususa.com/top-sarah-palin-posts Top Sarah Palin Posts]: fabulous examples of intimidation and false-flag commenting
* '''2010-08-05''' [http://www.euronews.net/2010/08/05/global-warming-in-norway-and-greenland/ Global warming in Norway and Greenland]: has [[issuepedia:Ivar Giaever/climate|Ivar Giaever]] seen this video?
* [[vbzwiki:Special:VbzAdmin/page:supp/id:15 Zion Rootswear]]
===file on Issuepedia===
* '''2001-08-23''' [http://human-nature.com/nibbs/02/cults.html Sex, Drugs, and Cults. An evolutionary psychology perspective on why and how cult memes get a drug-like hold on people, and what might be done to mitigate the effects] By H. Keith Henson
* '''2006''' [http://www.britannica.com/bps/additionalcontent/18/21646448/Evolutionary-Psychology-Memes-and-the-Origin-of-War Evolutionary Psychology, Memes and the Origin of War] by H. Keith Henson (abstract only)
* '''2007-08-26''' [http://gretachristina.typepad.com/greta_christinas_weblog/2007/08/does-the-empero.html Does The Emperor Have Clothes? Religion and the Destructive Force of Asking Questions]
* '''2008-01-13''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/13/magazine/13Psychology-t.html?_r=5&ref=science The Moral Instinct] by Steven Pinker (may be behind login wall)
* '''2008-04-15''' [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/countries/ Five Capitalist Countries and How They Do It]: compares healthcare systems in UK, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, Switzerland
* '''2008-07-14''' [http://ibssblog.wordpress.com/2008/07/14/evolutionary-ideation-or-the-same-old-thing-re-packaged-memetic-struggles/ Evolutionary ideation or the same old thing re-packaged? Memetic struggles]: discusses memetics
* '''2008-11-19''' [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/11/19/home-depot-founder-retail_n_144863.html?ref=fb&src=sp Home Depot Founder: Retailers Who Don't Support GOP "Should Be Shot"]
* '''2009-02-16''' [http://gretachristina.typepad.com/greta_christinas_weblog/2009/02/shut-up-thats-why.html Atheism and the "Shut Up, That's Why" Arguments]
* '''2010''' [http://www.youtube.com/user/AteistiskSelskab#p/u/8/xYeidj_xtJc AAI Copenhagen 2010] (multiple videos)
* '''2010-01-20''' [http://lesswrong.com/lw/1mh/that_magical_click/ That Magical Click]: the problem of successfully conveying simple but difficult ideas
* '''2010-02-24''' [http://brane-space.blogspot.com/2010/02/curing-hell-belief-psychosis.html Curing the Hell-Belief Psychosis]
* '''2010-03-08''' [http://www.evolver.net/user/wizardblue/blog/right_wing_authoritarianism_cure Right Wing Authoritarianism: The Cure]
* '''2010-04-04''' [http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/167042/Terry-Pratchett-helps-to-raise-funds-for-his-village-church TERRY PRATCHETT HELPS TO RAISE FUNDS FOR HIS VILLAGE CHURCH]
* '''2010-04-29''' [http://trianglebrewingcompany.blogspot.com/2010/04/dan-read-for-superior-court-judge.html Dan Read for Superior Court Judge]
* '''2010-05-20''' [http://progressconservative.com/2010/05/20/smoke-and-mirrors-on-teen-pregnancy/ Smoke and Mirrors on Teen Pregnancy]: I think this is the post with which Mike started the latest round in [[issuepedia:En_Tequila_Es_Verdad/progressive_conservatism/post|the debate]]...
* '''2010-05-21''' [http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/05/21/curing_the_israel_estrangement_syndrome Curing the Israel Estrangement Syndrome]
* '''2010-06-18''' [http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2010/06/18/18greenwire-record-of-bps-gulf-worker-testing-firm-raises-84788.html?pagewanted=1 Record of BP's Gulf Worker-Testing Firm Raises Conflict-Of-Interest Questions]
* '''2010-06-25''' [http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/06/25/gulf.oil.disaster.suicide/?hpt=C1 Family: Oil disaster devastated captain who committed suicide]: effects of the spill
* '''2010-07''' [http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2010/07/science-policy-gone-bad-may-mean-the-end-of-earths-helium.ars Price shocks waiting as US abandons helium business]: helium, science policy, capitalism
* '''2010-07-01''' [http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/opinion/points/stories/DN-fischer_04edi.fa57a749.html Claude Fischer: Americans not the individuals we think we are]
* '''2010-07-10'''
** [http://crooksandliars.com/karoli/rewritten-history-hill-characterizes-democr Rewritten History: The Hill characterizes Democrats as vitriolic and relentless]
** [http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/07/06/president-medicare-medicaid-post-senate-approval/ Obama Fills Medicare and Medicaid Post Without Senate Approval]: this is only okay if you're a Republican.
* '''2010-07-19''' [http://www.markturner.net/2010/07/19/top-secret-america/ Top-secret America]
* '''2010-07-20''' [http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/2010/07/perspective_fay/ Perspective: Fayyadism is not Authoritarianism]
* '''2010-07-23''' [http://www.markturner.net/2010/07/23/consuming-and-delivering/ Consuming and delivering]: consumerism
* '''2010-07-24''' [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/7908501/Special-report-the-Libya-investment-firm-and-the-release-of-the-Lockerbie-bomber.html Special report: the Libya investment firm and the release of the Lockerbie bomber]
* '''2010-07-29'''
** [http://www.thenation.com/blog/38016/response-controversial-time-cover-what-also-happens-if-we-leave-afghanistan A Response to Controversial 'Time' Cover: What ALSO Happens If We Leave Afghanistan]
** [http://www.thenation.com/article/38034/wikileaks-baghdad WikiLeaks in Baghdad]
* '''2010-07-30''' [http://www.thenation.com/article/38063/deflation-not-deficit-real-threat Deflation, Not Deficit, Is the Real Threat]
* '''2010-07-31''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/01/opinion/01stockman.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1 Four Deformations of the Apocalypse] "IF there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing."
* '''2010-08''' [http://www.thehumanist.org/humanist/10_sept_oct/Shaffer.html Atheism, Ethics, and Pornography: An Interview with Nina Hartley]
* '''2010-08-04''' [http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/08/update-on-google-wave.html Update on Google Wave]: Google abandoning development, but says source code is available. Where?
* '''2010-08-16''' [http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100813/17071610622.shtml Kids In The Hall Admit They 'Pirate' Their Own Shows, Because They Can't Get Them Legally], where "they" means "Dave Foley"
* '''2010-08-17''' [http://en.rsf.org/united-states-criticism-of-wikileaks-is-not-a-17-08-2010,38169.html Criticism of Wikileaks is not a call for censorship or support for the war]: statement by Reporters Without Borders. wikileaks, criticism (criticism ''is allowed among friends'')
* '''2010-08-18''' [http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hi4dIv60Y4MmqWKYa3IisczEyeYw Iceland aiming to be a global press freedom haven]
* '''2010-08-19''' [http://www.wral.com/business/story/8162750/ Blue Cross cites health reform in proposed rate increases]
* '''2010-08-20'''
** [http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/08/20/99494/muslims-already-pray-on-sacred.html Muslims already pray on sacred 9/11 ground: the Pentagon]
* '''2010-08-28''' [http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20014993-503544.html Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000]
* '''2010-08-30'''
** [http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/08/30/100830fa_fact_mayer Covert Operations] "The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama"
* '''2010-09-02'''
** [http://www.economist.com/node/16941635 A virtual counter-revolution] "The internet has been a great unifier of people, companies and online networks. Powerful forces are threatening to balkanise it"
** [http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/09/02/99862/commentary-the-dumbing-down-of.html Commentary: The dumbing down of America] "Maybe we, the people, have lost the intellectual capacity to manage a workable democracy. How else do you explain why nearly one in five Americans believes that President Barack Obama is a Muslim?"
* '''2010-09-03''' [http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/04/world/middleeast/04blackwater.html?_r=1&hp 30 False Fronts Won Contracts for Blackwater]
* '''2010-09-05''' [http://www.newsobserver.com/2010/09/05/664805/ethicist-rethinks-morals-of-meat.html Ethicist rethinks the morals of meat] "DURHAM -- Kathy Rudy is tired of hearing colleagues tell her they can't afford to buy hamburger meat at the farmers market."
* '''2010-09-06'''
** [http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/07/us/politics/07candidates.html?_r=2&hp Republican Runs Street People on Green Ticket]: example of using the 2-party system to manipulate the vote
** [http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/09/06/100171/obama-proposed-50-billion-to-rebuild.html Lambasting the GOP, Obama proposes $50 billion for roads, rails and runways]
** [http://www.physorg.com/news203011808.html Study examines association between urban living and psychotic disorders]
* '''2010-09-07''' [http://www.physorg.com/news203052531.html The brain speaks: Scientists decode words from brain signals]
* '''2010-09-08''' [http://www.dailyfinance.com/story/company-news/google-verizon-fcc-war-over-internets-future/19605776/ Google, Verizon and the FCC: Inside the War Over the Internet's Future]
* '''2010-09-09''' [http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/study-bush-tax-cuts-cost-more-twice-m Study: Bush Tax Cuts Cost More Than Twice As Much As Dems' Health-Care Bill]
* '''2010-09-15''' [http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=2556&cpage=8#comment-279382 Pessimistic anarchism]
* '''2010-09-16''' [http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20727771.400-zeros-to-heroes-how-we-almost-missed-the-ozone-hole.html Zeros to heroes: How we almost missed the ozone hole]
* '''2010-09-19'''
** [http://richarddawkins.net/articles/521113-ratzinger-is-an-enemy-of-humanity Ratzinger is an enemy of humanity]
** [http://excatholicgirl.tumblr.com/post/1150523758 A dirty little girl, her head hanging in shame]
* '''2010-09-20''' [http://www.danoah.com/2010/09/disease-called-perfection.html The disease called "Perfection"]
* '''2010-09-21''' [http://www.blaghag.com/2010/09/another-example-of-feminist-distrust-of.html Another example of feminist distrust of science: Vaccinations]
* '''2010-09-24''' [http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/100924/world/us_congress_colbert Colbert tells Congress farm work 'really hard']: "Taking his blowhard act to Congress, comedian Stephen Colbert told lawmakers that one day picking beans alongside illegal immigrants convinced him that farm work is "really, really hard.""
* '''2010-09-27'''
** [http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2010/08/27/pretty-words-the-same-o-same-o/comment-page-1/#comment-5528 Pretty Words & the Same-O-Same-O]: another attempt to get people interested in InstaGov falls flat
** [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-segal/stop-the-internet-blackli_b_739836.html Stop the Internet Blacklist]
* '''2010-09-28''' [http://acandidworld.com/2010/09/28/a-scientific-explanation-for-creationists/ A Scientific Explanation for Creationists]: Mike makes some comments; others make claims about Catholicism
* [http://www.fixcongressfirst.org/page/content/plan/October_26_2010_draft.html Fix Congress First: Digital Strategic Plan]
* [http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/climate-change-deniers-vs-the-consensus/ visualizations: the global warming skeptics vs. the scientific consensus]
* [http://main.nc.us/ Mountain Area Information Network]: useful news source
* [[wikipedia:Asch conformity experiments]] (for [[issuepedia:human nature]])
** file under [[issuepedia:Facebook]]
** for InstaGov: people ''do want to have more latitude for expressing their opinion''
* [http://newsfeed.time.com/tag/facebook/ TIME: Facebook articles]
* [https://flattr.com/thing/48148/Issuepedia Issuepedia on Flattr]: nobody likes
* [[http://chriswaterguy.livejournal.com/58719.html?view=58975 nonviolent communication]
* [http://www.unionofunemployed.com/ Union of Unemployed]
* [[wikipedia:Vasili Arkhipov]]: Russians Who Saved the World, part 2
* [http://www.openpatents.org/ OpenPatents]
* [http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/ Skin Deep Cosmetics Safety Reviews]: unlike food, no testing of cosmetics or personal care products (including soap) is required by the FDA
* Some discussion of the "house burns down while firemen watch" story [http://davidbrin.blogspot.com/2010/10/quagmire-war-lamp-is-lit-and-rallies.html?showComment=1286388107171#c4097537182668628185 here]
* [http://home.sprynet.com/~owl1/irrationality.htm Why People Are Irrational about Politics]
* '''2010-09-09''' [http://www.infoworld.com/d/security-central/epic-failures-11-infamous-software-bugs-891?page=0,8 The bug that never was: Black Monday's dark secret]: Black Monday in a nutshell. It wasn't a computer bug.
* '''2010-06-16''' [http://isabelthespy.tumblr.com/post/704496674/add-is ADD is]
* '''2010-06-20''' [http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_15339889?nclick_check=1 Mountain View's global teacher of 1,516 lessons and counting]
* '''2010-06-23''' [http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2010/06/23/where-are-my-keys-i-lost-my-phone/ Where Are My Keys I Lost My Phone] (ADD)
* '''2010-07-28''' [http://www.markturner.net/2010/07/28/evil-lair-to-become-bb/ Evil lair to become B&B]: more [http://www.fptower.com/ here]
* '''2010-08-06''' [http://mellingerman.blogspot.com/2010/08/phoenix-az-ap-thousands-of-illegal.html
* '''2010-09-01''' [http://www.questioningtransphobia.com/?p=2913 QT and Posting and My Inability to be Consistent]: transphobia, ADD
* '''2010-09-02''' [http://leiacat.livejournal.com/200960.html Again with the eating - dimsum at Red Pearl] (for [[htyp:Columbia, MD]])
* http://durtydurham.com/about/
* http://www.hannalawoffice.com/
* [http://aspectsofaspergers.wordpress.com/2010/07/21/flexibility-and-common-sense/ Flexibility and 'common sense']
* [http://aspectsofaspergers.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/auditory-processing-issues-part-1/ Auditory processing issues (part 1)]
* [http://lifehacker.com/5585840/ Buzz Author Stephen Braun on Programming Your Brain for Caffeine, Energy Drinks, and More]
* [http://esw.w3.org/SweoIG/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData Linking Open Data]
* [http://www.appropedia.org/Appropedia:Semantic_extensions what Appropedia needs semantic extensions for]
* [http://openpario.mime.oregonstate.edu/projects/2010-appropedia/issues?set_filter=1&tracker_id=9 project list] for Appropedia
* [http://www.appropedia.org/Appropedia:Discussion_lists Appropedia discussion lists]
* [http://www.peacecorpswiki.org/Special:Version PeaceCorpsWiki]: was this the one they gave me admin powers on?
* [http://www.numerexdna.com/m2m-device Numerex remote tracking device]: I want a box of these
* [http://www.carbonite.com/ Carbonite] online backup
* http://www.openstreetmap.org/
* [http://www.fifnc.org/ First In Families of North Carolina]
* MIKE2.0:
** [http://mike2.openmethodology.org/wiki/Structural_Overview_of_MIKE2.0 structural overview]
** [http://mike2.openmethodology.org/wiki/Installing_omCollab installing omCollab]
** [http://mike2.openmethodology.org/wiki/Special:Version Special:Version] shows what extensions they actually have installed
* [http://iseeamess.com/wiki/index.php/Special:InstaGov/page:m working on this menu]
* [http://iseeamess.com/wiki/index.php/ICMS:Forms/question question form]
* [http://bettermeans.com/front/open_enterprise_governance_model.html Open Enterprise Governance Model]
* [[issuepedia:LessWrong/ideas]]
** [[issuepedia:LessWrong/ideas/metaethics]]
* [http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Metaethics_sequence metaethics sequence]: reading this
** [http://lesswrong.com/lw/rh/heading_toward_morality/ heading toward morality]
*** [http://lesswrong.com/lw/lp/fake_fake_utility_functions/ fake fake utility functions]: I think I was donw with this
* [http://singinst.org/upload/CEV.html Friendly AI theory: friendliness update]
* [http://www.nteinc.com/NET_St_lst/NC.shtml NTE Inc. NC distributors]: for possible electronics shop
* '''Samba''':
** [http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/samba-pdc.html Chapter 4. Domain Control - Part II. Server Configuration Basics]
** [http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/domain-member.html Chapter 6. Domain Membership - Part II. Server Configuration Basics]
** [http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-Guide/ntmigration.html Chapter 9. Migrating NT4 Domain to Samba-3 - Part II. Domain Members, Updating Samba and Migration]
** [[wikipedia:Samba (software)]]
** [[wikipedia:Server Message Block]]
** '''SambaWiki''':
*** [http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Main_Page#Configuration configuration]
*** [http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/1.0._Configuring_Samba#1.1._smb.conf_PDC smb.conf Primary Domain Controller]
*** [http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Mounting_samba_shares_from_a_unix_client Mounting samba shares from a unix client]
* '''NFS''':
** [[wikipedia:Network File System (protocol)]]
* [http://redmondmag.com/articles/2005/01/01/linuxwindows-single-signon.aspx Linux-Windows Single Sign-On]
* '''LDAP''':
** [http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/quickstart.html OpenLDAP quickstart]
** [[wikipedia:OpenLDAP]]
* [[wikipedia:Windows Server domain]]
* [http://www.fiberforcommunities.com/community_action.html Google fiber internet activism]
* [http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/FrontPage home page] (wiki)
* [[wikipedia:SpamAssassin]]
* [http://www.akadia.com/services/postfix_spamassassin.html Fighting Spam with SpamAssassin and Postfix]
* '''2007''' [http://advosys.ca/papers/email/53-postfix-filtering.html Fighting malware and spam with Postfix]
* need to find official documentation on '''rewrite_header''' option
* [http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/postfix-features-on-fc3-323593/ Postfix features on FC3] (forum discussion): automatic forwarding
* [http://www.zimbra.com/forums/installation/14001-solved-monitoring-email-accounts.html Zimbra forums discussion] on similar topic
* [http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#recipient_bcc_maps postconf: recipient_bcc_maps]
Notes for extension to let MW handle multiple domains
* [[mwsite:Manual:Hooks/BeforePageDisplay]]
==Writing Sites==
* [http://750words.com/ 750words]
* [http://www.tumblr.com/why-tumblr tumblr]
* [http://pred-ed.com/pubagent.htm Preditors and Editors]
===possible projects===
* [http://www.appropedia.org/The_future_we_deserve the future we deserve]
** [http://www.appropedia.org/TheFWD_submissions submissions]
* write about how all advertising is unfair; start with [[issuepedia:2010-06-01 Search Engine Optimization is Unfair]]
* [http://www.wheretherebedragons.com/programs.summer.latinamerica.php?action=detail&programLabel=guatemala Guatemala: Mundo Maya]: thing Anna is considering for Summer 2011

Latest revision as of 17:49, 31 January 2012