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[[Techniques]]: [[MediaWiki]]: [[MediaWikiDoc:OutputPage.php|OutputPage.php]]
{{to htyp}}
==Source Code==
* @package MediaWiki
* This is not a valid entry point, perform no further processing unless MEDIAWIKI is defined
if( defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
# See design.doc
if($wgUseTeX) require_once( 'Math.php' );
* @todo document
* @package MediaWiki
===class OutputPage===
class OutputPage {
var $mHeaders, $mCookies, $mMetatags, $mKeywords;
var $mLinktags, $mPagetitle, $mBodytext, $mDebugtext;
var $mHTMLtitle, $mRobotpolicy, $mIsarticle, $mPrintable;
var $mSubtitle, $mRedirect;
var $mLastModified, $mCategoryLinks;
var $mScripts, $mLinkColours;
var $mSuppressQuickbar;
var $mOnloadHandler;
var $mDoNothing;
var $mContainsOldMagic, $mContainsNewMagic;
var $mIsArticleRelated;
var $mParserOptions;
var $mShowFeedLinks = false;
var $mEnableClientCache = true;
====function OutputPage====
* Constructor
* Initialise private variables
function OutputPage() {
$this->mHeaders = $this->mCookies = $this->mMetatags =
$this->mKeywords = $this->mLinktags = array();
$this->mHTMLtitle = $this->mPagetitle = $this->mBodytext =
$this->mRedirect = $this->mLastModified =
$this->mSubtitle = $this->mDebugtext = $this->mRobotpolicy =
$this->mOnloadHandler = '';
$this->mIsArticleRelated = $this->mIsarticle = $this->mPrintable = true;
$this->mSuppressQuickbar = $this->mPrintable = false;
$this->mLanguageLinks = array();
$this->mCategoryLinks = array() ;
$this->mDoNothing = false;
$this->mContainsOldMagic = $this->mContainsNewMagic = 0;
$this->mParserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromUser( $temp = NULL );
$this->mSquidMaxage = 0;
$this->mScripts = '';
====function addHeader====
function addHeader( $name, $val ) { array_push( $this->mHeaders, $name.': '.$val ) ; }
====function addCookie====
function addCookie( $name, $val ) { array_push( $this->mCookies, array( $name, $val ) ); }
====function redirect====
function redirect( $url, $responsecode = '302' ) { $this->mRedirect = $url; $this->mRedirectCode = $responsecode; }
====function addMeta====
# To add an http-equiv meta tag, precede the name with "http:"
====function addMeta====
function addMeta( $name, $val ) { array_push( $this->mMetatags, array( $name, $val ) ); }
====function addKeyword====
function addKeyword( $text ) { array_push( $this->mKeywords, $text ); }
====function addScript====
function addScript( $script ) { $this->mScripts .= $script; }
====function getScript====
function getScript() { return $this->mScripts; }
====function addLink====
function addLink( $linkarr ) {
# $linkarr should be an associative array of attributes. We'll escape on output.
array_push( $this->mLinktags, $linkarr );
====function addMetadataLink====
function addMetadataLink( $linkarr ) {
# note: buggy CC software only reads first "meta" link
static $haveMeta = false;
$linkarr['rel'] = ($haveMeta) ? 'alternate meta' : 'meta';
$this->addLink( $linkarr );
$haveMeta = true;
====function checkLastModified====
* checkLastModified tells the client to use the client-cached page if
* possible. If sucessful, the OutputPage is disabled so that
* any future call to OutputPage->output() have no effect. The method
* returns true iff cache-ok headers was sent.
function checkLastModified ( $timestamp ) {
global $wgLang, $wgCachePages, $wgUser;
if( !$wgCachePages ) {
wfDebug( "CACHE DISABLED\n", false );
if( $wgUser->getOption( 'nocache' ) ) {
wfDebug( "USER DISABLED CACHE\n", false );
$lastmod = gmdate( 'D, j M Y H:i:s', wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, max( $timestamp, $wgUser->mTouched ) ) ) . ' GMT';
if( !empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] ) ) {
# IE sends sizes after the date like this:
# Wed, 20 Aug 2003 06:51:19 GMT; length=5202
# this breaks strtotime().
$modsince = preg_replace( '/;.*$/', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"] );
$ismodsince = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, strtotime( $modsince ) );
wfDebug( "-- client send If-Modified-Since: " . $modsince . "\n", false );
wfDebug( "--  we might send Last-Modified : $lastmod\n", false );
if( ($ismodsince >= $timestamp ) && $wgUser->validateCache( $ismodsince ) ) {
# Make sure you're in a place you can leave when you call us!
header( "HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified" );
$this->mLastModified = $lastmod;
wfDebug( "CACHED client: $ismodsince ; user: $wgUser->mTouched ; page: $timestamp\n", false );
return true;
} else {
wfDebug( "READY  client: $ismodsince ; user: $wgUser->mTouched ; page: $timestamp\n", false );
$this->mLastModified = $lastmod;
} else {
wfDebug( "We're confused.\n", false );
$this->mLastModified = $lastmod;
====function getPageTitleActionText====
function getPageTitleActionText () {
global $action;
switch($action) {
case 'edit':
return wfMsg('edit');
case 'history':
return wfMsg('history_short');
case 'protect':
return wfMsg('protect');
case 'unprotect':
return wfMsg('unprotect');
case 'delete':
return wfMsg('delete');
case 'watch':
return wfMsg('watch');
case 'unwatch':
return wfMsg('unwatch');
case 'submit':
return wfMsg('preview');
case 'info':
return wfMsg('info_short');
return '';
====function setRobotpolicy====
function setRobotpolicy( $str ) { $this->mRobotpolicy = $str; }
====function setHTMLTitle====
function setHTMLTitle( $name ) {$this->mHTMLtitle = $name; }
====function setPageTitle====
function setPageTitle( $name ) {
global $action, $wgContLang;
$name = $wgContLang->convert($name, true);
$this->mPagetitle = $name;
if(!empty($action)) {
$taction =  $this->getPageTitleActionText();
if( !empty( $taction ) ) {
$name .= ' - '.$taction;
$this->setHTMLTitle( $name . ' - ' . wfMsg( 'wikititlesuffix' ) );
====function getHTMLTitle====
function getHTMLTitle() { return $this->mHTMLtitle; }
====function getPageTitle====
function getPageTitle() { return $this->mPagetitle; }
====Some One-Line Functions====
function setSubtitle( $str ) { $this->mSubtitle = $str; }
function getSubtitle() { return $this->mSubtitle; }
function isArticle() { return $this->mIsarticle; }
function setPrintable() { $this->mPrintable = true; }
function isPrintable() { return $this->mPrintable; }
function setSyndicated( $show = true ) { $this->mShowFeedLinks = $show; }
function isSyndicated() { return $this->mShowFeedLinks; }
function setOnloadHandler( $js ) { $this->mOnloadHandler = $js; }
function getOnloadHandler() { return $this->mOnloadHandler; }
function disable() { $this->mDoNothing = true; }
====function setArticleRelated====
function setArticleRelated( $v ) {
$this->mIsArticleRelated = $v;
if ( !$v ) {
$this->mIsarticle = false;
====function setArticleFlag====
function setArticleFlag( $v ) {
$this->mIsarticle = $v;
if ( $v ) {
$this->mIsArticleRelated = $v;
====function isArticleRelated====
function isArticleRelated() { return $this->mIsArticleRelated; }
====function getLanguageLinks====
function getLanguageLinks() { return $this->mLanguageLinks; }
====function addLanguageLinks====
function addLanguageLinks($newLinkArray) {
$this->mLanguageLinks += $newLinkArray;
====function setLanguageLinks====
function setLanguageLinks($newLinkArray) {
$this->mLanguageLinks = $newLinkArray;
====function getCategoryLinks====
function getCategoryLinks() {
return $this->mCategoryLinks;
====function addCategoryLinks====
function addCategoryLinks($newLinkArray) {
$this->mCategoryLinks += $newLinkArray;
====function setCategoryLinks====
function setCategoryLinks($newLinkArray) {
$this->mCategoryLinks += $newLinkArray;
====More One-Line Functions====
function suppressQuickbar() { $this->mSuppressQuickbar = true; }
function isQuickbarSuppressed() { return $this->mSuppressQuickbar; }
function addHTML( $text ) { $this->mBodytext .= $text; }
function clearHTML() { $this->mBodytext = ''; }
function debug( $text ) { $this->mDebugtext .= $text; }
====function setParserOptions====
function setParserOptions( $options ) {
return wfSetVar( $this->mParserOptions, $options );
====function addWikiText====
* Convert wikitext to HTML and add it to the buffer
function addWikiText( $text, $linestart = true ) {
global $wgTitle;
$this->addWikiTextTitle($text, $wgTitle, $linestart);
====function addWikiTextWithTitle====
function addWikiTextWithTitle($text, &$title, $linestart = true) {
$this->addWikiTextTitle($text, $title, $linestart);
====function addWikiTextTitle====
function addWikiTextTitle( $text, &$title, $linestart = true ) {
global $wgParser, $wgUseTidy;
$parserOutput = $wgParser->parse( $text, $title, $this->mParserOptions, $linestart );
$this->mLanguageLinks += $parserOutput->getLanguageLinks();
$this->mCategoryLinks += $parserOutput->getCategoryLinks();
$this->addHTML( $parserOutput->getText() );
====function addPrimaryWikiText====
* Add wikitext to the buffer, assuming that this is the primary text for a page view
* Saves the text into the parser cache if possible
function addPrimaryWikiText( $text, $cacheArticle ) {
global $wgParser, $wgParserCache, $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgUseTidy;
$parserOutput = $wgParser->parse( $text, $wgTitle, $this->mParserOptions, true );
$text = $parserOutput->getText();
if ( $cacheArticle ) {
$wgParserCache->save( $parserOutput, $cacheArticle, $wgUser );
$this->mLanguageLinks += $parserOutput->getLanguageLinks();
$this->mCategoryLinks += $parserOutput->getCategoryLinks();
$this->addHTML( $text );
====function addTemplate====
* Add the output of a QuickTemplate to the output buffer
* @param QuickTemplate $template
function addTemplate( &$template ) {
$this->addHtml( ob_get_contents() );
====function parse====
* Parse wikitext and return the HTML. This is for special pages that add the text later
function parse( $text, $linestart = true ) {
global $wgParser, $wgTitle;
$parserOutput = $wgParser->parse( $text, $wgTitle, $this->mParserOptions, $linestart );
return $parserOutput->getText();
====function tryParserCache====
* @param $article
* @param $user
* @return bool
function tryParserCache( $article, $user ) {
global $wgParserCache;
$parserOutput = $wgParserCache->get( $article, $user );
if ( $parserOutput !== false ) {
$this->mLanguageLinks += $parserOutput->getLanguageLinks();
$this->mCategoryLinks += $parserOutput->getCategoryLinks();
$this->addHTML( $parserOutput->getText() );
return true;
} else {
return false;
====function setSquidMaxage====
* Set the maximum cache time on the Squid in seconds
* @param $maxage
function setSquidMaxage( $maxage ) {
$this->mSquidMaxage = $maxage;
====function enableClientCache====
* Use enableClientCache(false) to force it to send nocache headers
* @param $state
function enableClientCache( $state ) {
return wfSetVar( $this->mEnableClientCache, $state );
====function sendCacheControl====
function sendCacheControl() {
global $wgUseSquid, $wgUseESI;
# don't serve compressed data to clients who can't handle it
# maintain different caches for logged-in users and non-logged in ones
header( 'Vary: Accept-Encoding, Cookie' );
if( $this->mEnableClientCache ) {
if( $wgUseSquid && ! isset( $_COOKIE[ini_get( 'session.name') ] ) &&
  ! $this->isPrintable() && $this->mSquidMaxage != 0 )
if ( $wgUseESI ) {
# We'll purge the proxy cache explicitly, but require end user agents
# to revalidate against the proxy on each visit.
# Surrogate-Control controls our Squid, Cache-Control downstream caches
wfDebug( "** proxy caching with ESI; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", false );
# start with a shorter timeout for initial testing
# header( 'Surrogate-Control: max-age=2678400+2678400, content="ESI/1.0"');
header( 'Surrogate-Control: max-age='.$wgSquidMaxage.'+'.$this->mSquidMaxage.', content="ESI/1.0"');
header( 'Cache-Control: s-maxage=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
} else {
# We'll purge the proxy cache for anons explicitly, but require end user agents
# to revalidate against the proxy on each visit.
# IMPORTANT! The Squid needs to replace the Cache-Control header with
# Cache-Control: s-maxage=0, must-revalidate, max-age=0
wfDebug( "** local proxy caching; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", false );
# start with a shorter timeout for initial testing
# header( "Cache-Control: s-maxage=2678400, must-revalidate, max-age=0" );
header( 'Cache-Control: s-maxage='.$this->mSquidMaxage.', must-revalidate, max-age=0' );
} else {
# We do want clients to cache if they can, but they *must* check for updates
# on revisiting the page.
wfDebug( "** private caching; {$this->mLastModified} **\n", false );
header( "Expires: -1" );
header( "Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, max-age=0" );
if($this->mLastModified) header( "Last-modified: {$this->mLastModified}" );
} else {
wfDebug( "** no caching **\n", false );
# In general, the absence of a last modified header should be enough to prevent
# the client from using its cache. We send a few other things just to make sure.
header( 'Expires: -1' );
header( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate' );
header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
====function output====
* Finally, all the text has been munged and accumulated into
* the object, let's actually output it:
function output() {
global $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgDebugComments, $wgCookieExpiration;
global $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgContLanguageCode;
global $wgDebugRedirects, $wgMimeType, $wgProfiler;
if( $this->mDoNothing ){
$fname = 'OutputPage::output';
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
if ( '' != $this->mRedirect ) {
if( substr( $this->mRedirect, 0, 4 ) != 'http' ) {
# Standards require redirect URLs to be absolute
global $wgServer;
$this->mRedirect = $wgServer . $this->mRedirect;
if( $this->mRedirectCode == '301') {
if( !$wgDebugRedirects ) {
header("HTTP/1.1 {$this->mRedirectCode} Moved Permanently");
$this->mLastModified = gmdate( 'D, j M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT';
if( $wgDebugRedirects ) {
$url = htmlspecialchars( $this->mRedirect );
print "<html>\n<head>\n<title>Redirect</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n";
print "<p>Location: <a href=\"$url\">$url</a></p>\n";
print "</body>\n</html>\n";
} else {
header( 'Location: '.$this->mRedirect );
if ( isset( $wgProfiler ) ) { wfDebug( $wgProfiler->getOutput() ); }
wfProfileOut( $fname );
# Buffer output; final headers may depend on later processing
# Disable temporary placeholders, so that the skin produces HTML
$sk->postParseLinkColour( false );
header( "Content-type: $wgMimeType; charset={$wgOutputEncoding}" );
header( 'Content-language: '.$wgContLanguageCode );
$exp = time() + $wgCookieExpiration;
foreach( $this->mCookies as $name => $val ) {
setcookie( $name, $val, $exp, '/' );
wfProfileIn( 'Output-skin' );
$sk->outputPage( $this );
wfProfileOut( 'Output-skin' );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
====function out====
function out( $ins ) {
global $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgContLang;
if ( 0 == strcmp( $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding ) ) {
$outs = $ins;
} else {
$outs = $wgContLang->iconv( $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding, $ins );
if ( false === $outs ) { $outs = $ins; }
print $outs;
====function setEncodings====
function setEncodings() {
global $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding;
global $wgUser, $wgContLang;
$wgInputEncoding = strtolower( $wgInputEncoding );
if( $wgUser->getOption( 'altencoding' ) ) {
if ( empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'] ) ) {
$wgOutputEncoding = strtolower( $wgOutputEncoding );
# This code is unused anyway!
# Commenting out. --bv 2003-11-15
$a = explode( ",", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'] );
$best = 0.0;
$bestset = "*";
foreach ( $a as $s ) {
if ( preg_match( "/(.*);q=(.*)/", $s, $m ) ) {
$set = $m[1];
$q = (float)($m[2]);
} else {
$set = $s;
$q = 1.0;
if ( $q > $best ) {
$bestset = $set;
$best = $q;
#if ( "*" == $bestset ) { $bestset = "iso-8859-1"; }
if ( "*" == $bestset ) { $bestset = $wgOutputEncoding; }
$wgOutputEncoding = strtolower( $bestset );
# Disable for now
$wgOutputEncoding = $wgInputEncoding;
====function reportTime====
* Returns a HTML comment with the elapsed time since request.
* This method has no side effects.
function reportTime() {
global $wgRequestTime, $wgProfiling, $wgProfileToCommentUser, $wgUser;
if ( $wgProfiling && $wgUser && $wgProfileToCommentUser &&
  $wgProfileToCommentUser == $wgUser->getName() )
$prof = wfGetProfilingOutput();
// Strip end of comment
$prof = str_replace( '-->', '--&lt;', $prof );
$com = "<!--\n$prof\n-->\n";
} else {
$com = '';
$now = wfTime();
list( $usec, $sec ) = explode( ' ', $wgRequestTime );
$start = (float)$sec + (float)$usec;
$elapsed = $now - $start;
# Use real server name if available, so we know which machine
# in a server farm generated the current page.
if ( function_exists( 'posix_uname' ) ) {
$uname = @posix_uname();
} else {
$uname = false;
if( is_array( $uname ) && isset( $uname['nodename'] ) ) {
$hostname = $uname['nodename'];
} else {
# This may be a virtual server.
$hostname = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$com .= sprintf( "<!-- Served by %s in %01.2f secs. -->\n",
  $hostname, $elapsed );
return $com;
====function errorpage====
* Note: these arguments are keys into wfMsg(), not text!
function errorpage( $title, $msg ) {
global $wgTitle;
$this->mDebugtext .= 'Original title: ' .
  $wgTitle->getPrefixedText() . "\n";
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( $title ) );
$this->setHTMLTitle( wfMsg( 'errorpagetitle' ) );
$this->setRobotpolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
$this->enableClientCache( false );
$this->mRedirect = '';
$this->mBodytext = '';
$this->addHTML( '<p>' . wfMsg( $msg ) . "</p>\n" );
$this->returnToMain( false );
====function sysopRequired====
function sysopRequired() {
global $wgUser;
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'sysoptitle' ) );
$this->setHTMLTitle( wfMsg( 'errorpagetitle' ) );
$this->setRobotpolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
$this->mBodytext = '';
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
$ap = $sk->makeKnownLink( wfMsgForContent( 'administrators' ), '' );
$this->addHTML( wfMsg( 'sysoptext', $ap ) );
====function developerRequired====
function developerRequired() {
global $wgUser;
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'developertitle' ) );
$this->setHTMLTitle( wfMsg( 'errorpagetitle' ) );
$this->setRobotpolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
$this->mBodytext = '';
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
$ap = $sk->makeKnownLink( wfMsgForContent( 'administrators' ), '' );
$this->addHTML( wfMsg( 'developertext', $ap ) );
====function loginToUse====
function loginToUse() {
global $wgUser, $wgTitle, $wgContLang;
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'loginreqtitle' ) );
$this->setHTMLTitle( wfMsg( 'errorpagetitle' ) );
$this->setRobotpolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
$this->setArticleFlag( false );
$this->mBodytext = '';
$this->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'loginreqtext' ) );
# We put a comment in the .html file so a Sysop can diagnose the page the
# user can't see.
$this->addHTML( "\n<!--" .
$wgContLang->getNsText( $wgTitle->getNamespace() ) .
':' .
$wgTitle->getDBkey() . '-->' );
$this->returnToMain(); # Flip back to the main page after 10 seconds.
====function databaseError====
function databaseError( $fname, $sql, $error, $errno ) {
global $wgUser, $wgCommandLineMode, $wgShowSQLErrors;
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsgNoDB( 'databaseerror' ) );
$this->setRobotpolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
$this->enableClientCache( false );
$this->mRedirect = '';
if( !$wgShowSQLErrors ) {
$sql = wfMsg( 'sqlhidden' );
if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) {
$msg = wfMsgNoDB( 'dberrortextcl', htmlspecialchars( $sql ),
htmlspecialchars( $fname ), $errno, htmlspecialchars( $error ) );
} else {
$msg = wfMsgNoDB( 'dberrortext', htmlspecialchars( $sql ),
htmlspecialchars( $fname ), $errno, htmlspecialchars( $error ) );
if ( $wgCommandLineMode || !is_object( $wgUser )) {
print $msg."\n";
$this->mBodytext = $msg;
====function readOnlyPage====
function readOnlyPage( $source = null, $protected = false ) {
global $wgUser, $wgReadOnlyFile, $wgReadOnly;
$this->setRobotpolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
if( $protected ) {
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'viewsource' ) );
$this->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'protectedtext' ) );
} else {
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( 'readonly' ) );
if ( $wgReadOnly ) {
$reason = $wgReadOnly;
} else {
$reason = file_get_contents( $wgReadOnlyFile );
$this->addWikiText( wfMsg( 'readonlytext', $reason ) );
if( is_string( $source ) ) {
if( strcmp( $source, '' ) == 0 ) {
$source = wfMsg( 'noarticletext' );
$rows = $wgUser->getOption( 'rows' );
$cols = $wgUser->getOption( 'cols' );
$text = "\n<textarea cols='$cols' rows='$rows' readonly='readonly'>" .
htmlspecialchars( $source ) . "\n</textarea>";
$this->addHTML( $text );
$this->returnToMain( false );
====function fatalError====
function fatalError( $message ) {
$this->setPageTitle( wfMsg( "internalerror" ) );
$this->setRobotpolicy( "noindex,nofollow" );
$this->setArticleRelated( false );
$this->enableClientCache( false );
$this->mRedirect = '';
$this->mBodytext = $message;
====function unexpectedValueError====
function unexpectedValueError( $name, $val ) {
$this->fatalError( wfMsg( 'unexpected', $name, $val ) );
====function fileCopyError====
function fileCopyError( $old, $new ) {
$this->fatalError( wfMsg( 'filecopyerror', $old, $new ) );
====function fileRenameError====
function fileRenameError( $old, $new ) {
$this->fatalError( wfMsg( 'filerenameerror', $old, $new ) );
====function fileDeleteError====
function fileDeleteError( $name ) {
$this->fatalError( wfMsg( 'filedeleteerror', $name ) );
====function fileNotFoundError====
function fileNotFoundError( $name ) {
$this->fatalError( wfMsg( 'filenotfound', $name ) );
====function returnToMain====
* return from error messages or notes
* @param $auto automatically redirect the user after 10 seconds
* @param $returnto page title to return to. Default is Main Page.
function returnToMain( $auto = true, $returnto = NULL ) {
global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest;
if ( $returnto == NULL ) {
$returnto = $wgRequest->getText( 'returnto' );
$returnto = htmlspecialchars( $returnto );
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
if ( '' == $returnto ) {
$returnto = wfMsgForContent( 'mainpage' );
$link = $sk->makeKnownLink( $returnto, '' );
$r = wfMsg( 'returnto', $link );
if ( $auto ) {
$titleObj = Title::newFromText( $returnto );
$wgOut->addMeta( 'http:Refresh', '10;url=' . $titleObj->escapeFullURL() );
$wgOut->addHTML( "\n<p>$r</p>\n" );
====function addMetaTags====
* This function takes the existing and broken links for the page
* and uses the first 10 of them for META keywords
function addMetaTags () {
global $wgLinkCache , $wgOut ;
$good = array_keys ( $wgLinkCache->mGoodLinks ) ;
$bad = array_keys ( $wgLinkCache->mBadLinks ) ;
$a = array_merge ( $good , $bad ) ;
$a = array_slice ( $a , 0 , 10 ) ; # 10 keywords max
$a = implode ( ',' , $a ) ;
$strip = array(
"/<.*?" . ">/" => '',
"/[_]/" => ' '
$a = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace(array_keys($strip), array_values($strip),$a ));
$wgOut->addMeta ( 'KEYWORDS' , $a ) ;
====function headElement====
* @private
function headElement() {
global $wgDocType, $wgDTD, $wgContLanguageCode, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgMimeType;
global $wgUser, $wgContLang, $wgRequest;
if( $wgMimeType == 'text/xml' || $wgMimeType == 'application/xhtml+xml' || $wgMimeType == 'application/xml' ) {
$ret = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$wgOutputEncoding\" ?>\n";
} else {
$ret = '';
$ret .= "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"$wgDocType\"\n        \"$wgDTD\">\n";
if ( "" == $this->mHTMLtitle ) {
$this->mHTMLtitle = wfMsg( "pagetitle", $this->mPagetitle );
$rtl = $wgContLang->isRTL() ? " dir='RTL'" : '';
$ret .= "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"$wgContLanguageCode\" lang=\"$wgContLanguageCode\" $rtl>\n";
$ret .= "<head>\n<title>" . htmlspecialchars( $this->mHTMLtitle ) . "</title>\n";
array_push( $this->mMetatags, array( "http:Content-type", "$wgMimeType; charset={$wgOutputEncoding}" ) );
$ret .= $this->getHeadLinks();
global $wgStylePath;
if( $this->isPrintable() ) {
$media = '';
} else {
$media = "media='print'";
$printsheet = htmlspecialchars( "$wgStylePath/common/wikiprintable.css" );
$ret .= "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' $media href='$printsheet' />\n";
$sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
$ret .= $sk->getHeadScripts();
$ret .= $this->mScripts;
$ret .= $sk->getUserStyles();
$ret .= "</head>\n";
return $ret;
====function getHeadLinks====
function getHeadLinks() {
global $wgRequest, $wgStylePath;
$ret = '';
foreach ( $this->mMetatags as $tag ) {
if ( 0 == strcasecmp( 'http:', substr( $tag[0], 0, 5 ) ) ) {
$a = 'http-equiv';
$tag[0] = substr( $tag[0], 5 );
} else {
$a = 'name';
$ret .= "<meta $a=\"{$tag[0]}\" content=\"{$tag[1]}\" />\n";
$p = $this->mRobotpolicy;
if ( '' == $p ) { $p = 'index,follow'; }
$ret .= "<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"$p\" />\n";
if ( count( $this->mKeywords ) > 0 ) {
$strip = array(
"/<.*?" . ">/" => '',
"/[_]/" => ' '
$ret .= "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"" .
  htmlspecialchars(preg_replace(array_keys($strip), array_values($strip),implode( ",", $this->mKeywords ))) . "\" />\n";
foreach ( $this->mLinktags as $tag ) {
$ret .= '<link';
foreach( $tag as $attr => $val ) {
$ret .= " $attr=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $val ) . "\"";
$ret .= " />\n";
if( $this->isSyndicated() ) {
# FIXME: centralize the mime-type and name information in Feed.php
$link = $wgRequest->escapeAppendQuery( 'feed=rss' );
$ret .= "<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS 2.0' href='$link' />\n";
$link = $wgRequest->escapeAppendQuery( 'feed=atom' );
$ret .= "<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+atom' title='Atom 0.3' href='$link' />\n";
return $ret;
====function transformBuffer====
* Run any necessary pre-output transformations on the buffer text
function transformBuffer( $options = 0 ) {
====function rateLimited====
* Turn off regular page output and return an error reponse
* for when rate limiting has triggered.
* @todo: i18n
* @access public
function rateLimited() {
global $wgOut;
wfHttpError( 500, 'Internal Server Error',
'Sorry, the server has encountered an internal error. ' .
'Please wait a moment and hit "refresh" to submit the request again.' );

Latest revision as of 16:23, 7 December 2005

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