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Revision as of 00:05, 24 July 2009

I wish to make a PbP RPG!

What does this mean?

It means a Play-by-post role-playing game! Basically, a role-playing game that gets played over a forum or similar device on the internet.

Why PbP?

Firstly, I want to get into something that doesn't require four hours at a set time every week. I already have one of those going, and more than one at a time would just be ridiculous.

Secondly, I'd prefer it to be forum-based than email-based. Forum-based just feels nicer.

But where?

My first thought was to host it somewhere. But this means we have to pay for hosting, domain names, etc.

My second thought was that I probably know enough people to have it hosted somewhere for free, using PHPbb or SMF or something.

My third thought was that even this is a bit silly if we only have five people join up in the end, and this big forum to play around with. Also, SMF/PHPbb/whatever doesn't have much in the way of cool RP-related stuff like private messages and stuff.

My fourth thought was that hey, why don't we try stuff on RPOL.net and, if it feels like it could go on more, then we could move it to its own forum!

What's the theme?

I have no idea. I have some ideas on the meta-theme, as such, though.

And what would those be?

First, I'd like to be able to play as well as GM. I want to have fun too.

Second, I'd like a system that allows us to make long posts, even in combat. I want to be able to plow through mooks in paragraph-by-paragraph detail, or fence with my nemesis, describing each blow. Ideally, the player (or GM) is able to determine the outcome of their action and can then narrate not only their attempt, but their success or failure. Anyway, this is getting too much into mechanics, which I will deal with later.

So! We need some sort of rotating GM system. We need some sort of probably diceless mechanic. It's probably a good idea to have some sort of "base" at which stuff starts and ends, so that different characters can interact as they see fit and we don't end up with half our possible characters on planet X and the other half on planet Y. Character-oriented overall so we don't just have the one story that finishes and that's it.

But you must have some theme ideas, surely!

I guess. Here's a couple of ideas:

  • Exalted universe - the characters are the bigwigs in a frontier city, and have to deal with various problems while keeping up with court intrigue.
  • Traveller- or Firefly-style fly around, deal and explore. This limits the number of characters and may be tricky to get rotating GM on.
  • ...I don't know, other stuff? Maybe a science-fiction game not actually set on ships?

Anything else?

Given a bit of time, I'll throw some ideas I had for mechanics on the site, but that may take some time.

Aren't you supposed to be working?

Yes, yes I am.